
To put it simply, we don’t send people with guns to shoot fires.

How bittersweet. Antebellum plantation nanny imagery aside, it’s one of the few packages of food in the market that has a picture of someone who looks like me.

Can I take my switch to a blockbuster and print out some of the photos I took in the game???

First of all I love this!

This is your regular reminder that planning and organization in the leadup to this, when we all could see what was coming, likely would have mitigated the effects, at least of the shutdowns if not the disease itself. Particularly with the executive branch of the federal government, which in all but the most

Yes. Yes to all of this. Malcolm Gladwell has a great episode of Revisionist History about proof. It’s about CTE but is totally applicable here. Needing “proof” is such a cop out sometimes for just not wanting to change. We’re being confronted with these images daily (all day) now and I still hear the argument of

It’s a protest action. People are drawn to notice an issue once it causes a disruption to a routine. It’s a similar principle behind protesting around an office building or on an interstate.

That’s also not accurate. He wouldn’t care about being heard at that specific meeting. Also not a good look, but it does not mean he did not intend or want to be heard on the issue in general or outside of that event. He no doubt felt it would be a bad look to be a silent observer at the event. So no. Not a good look.

Incorrect. He said he wouldn’t care about forcing his voice in after being told there wasn’t time for him to speak. It’s not a great look, but it’s a far cry from I wouldn’t be here or I wouldn’t care about the protests or police brutality if it wasn’t for the primary.

That quote is very, very misleading. He said it in response to the organizer saying they wouldn’t be able to let all the elected officials speak at the gathering. To which this guy was indicating he wanted to speak. That’s when he said if he wasn’t in a primary he wouldn’t care [about speaking at the meeting when

Huh. I remember having a blast with this game for like 20 minutes, but then my eyes just sort of glazed over. Interesting to see how far they go with this polish.

I don’t think you know what “standard” means. There is nothing standard about asking retailers not to advertise a model of the White House.

Anyone who wants to abolish cops is an idiot. What people want is cops who protect and serve rather than punish and enslave..... and for all humans to be served and protected equally.  This notion that protesters against cops must want no cops is absurd, and you know it.

Maybe obstructing traffic is illegal.

I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White

The Army has fitness standards.

Maybe because the military has far stricter rules of engagement?

The ASVAB was too hard

I mean...even if you wanna call it satire, that’s just utterly devoid of humor. I don’t think it’s really something she should have been suspended over, though.