
If I was running against her, I would’ve focused more on her being a horde orc assassination rogue player who stuck to the shadows and used poisons to dispatch her foes. Then I’d point out that I played an Alliance Human Protection Warrior and talk about how I’d be the first one in the fight and the last one out.

Would be interesting to see how this would have fared in the US, especially given that as recently as 2012, the fact that a candidate for public office actively played World of Warcraft was used against her in a mailer by the opposing party.

This is basic business handshakes 101. If people don’t understand this, how do they ever get their business hugs right?

“...test results show that many people have trouble doing math when suddenly being burned alive.”

I used to think that way... when I was about 13. Then I grew up, got a job, and realised the real fools are the kids that spend all day whining about the nice things they can't afford. 

I lost my wife, who was only 36, earlier this month and losing someone so young, unexpectedly, just doesn’t feel real. It feels like she is just out of town and will come walking through the door any moment. The sadness that comes when you realize that will never happen can be incredibly overwhelming.

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

I know this is sarcasm but for those that don't know Dandelion's name in the books is Jaskier which is polish for "Dandelion"

There weren’t many loud people on the internet who liked it. But there are actually a bajillion people who loved it, even more than the first. I personally loved TFA a little bit more despite the reused plot but TLJ was great. Plus it doesn’t actually matter who liked it, once you’re 2/3 into a trilogy, you can’t

and it seems like Marvel is also losing interest in Marvel’s TV shows

This isn’t about what people generically call things but rather about how products market themselves. Non-Kleenex brands don’t use the word anywhere in their marketing (they’re called facial tissues). Same with bandages. The games here are using the trademark in their marketing/description, hence the letter.

Cellophane lost their trademark in such a manner. While Kleenex and Band-Aid are both household names, they actively protect their trademarks from infringement by other companies and products. 

If you change your game description to no longer use the term “Choose your own adventure,” turn to page 37.

If you ignore Chooseco’s cease and desist letter, turn to page 72.

You should probably go to and put choose your own adventure into the search box. My first results:

“In hindsight, I mishandled that situation. I was not sensitive, my initial reaction to it. I wasn’t totally aware of how the trans community felt about those three actors playing—and how they felt in general about cis actors playing—transgender people. I wasn’t aware of that conversation—I was uneducated. So I

If this was a complete package for $60 which it absolutely should have been I would have double dipped with no reservations... but at $110 it’s really easy to say no to.

making something largely dependent on random chance is bad game design.

Usually females doing something 

Anyone: *does anything*