Grimace is a Butt Plug

You are omitting the sin of being incredibly cozy with Saudi Arabia because that is the stance that your orange overlord has taken.  For someone with a bible verse name, you are living up to all the stereotypes of christian hypocrisy

Who are you even quoting? That’s not how quotes work.

Clutch your pearls a little harder and shove them up your ass, bootlicker. I know many, many real Persians and I know how it actually is in Iran. While it could be better, and my belief is that the youth there will make it better one day, it is nowhere near the level of oppression as Trump bff countries like Saudi

Don’t confuse the fake accounts for real women.  Bumble has TONS of fake accounts that will match, especially with new accounts, and never message you.  It plants the seed in your head which makes you want to keep using it.

Yeah! I mean, she got her lips all orange for that one lady that Trump pardoned.  That had to suck.

These chairs are a little expensive but worth it. I was buying a new chair every 8 months to a year from places like Office Depot etc. I bought a Titan chair from SecretLab and it’s highly solid, durable, and comfortable.

You are absolutely right that Americans will not do anything while they are satiated. If there is some event that leads to massive unemployment, that is when we need to start worrying about the 2nd civil war.

The most cringey part was reading about interacting with the Frostbite support team.

I like how you try to use “thoughtful” and “Trump” in the same sentence.  That’s cute.

Some abilities like the Seeker Mine/Grenade do this, but work ok if you throw them instead of dropping it on the ground next to you.

Done killin’?  Back to chorin’.

As a player of the video games, it’s super important to me to know who an optional fictional character fucks.

This is like something you would read in one of Terry Goodkind’s books.

West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette

Good luck with that, since he’ll declare voter fraud to be a national emergency next.

So what happens when they reach their ‘full potential’?  Is it like some sort of Quickening, where they obtain the prize? Do they finally cum?  Can there only be one?

This this this.  Whoever made this quote is almost certainly on their way out and does not give a single fuck.

I don’t know either of these people, but why is the pretty one marrying the one that looks like he crawled out of a garbage can filled with black bean spaghetti? Seems kinda weird.

He looks like an old man masquerading as a 25-year-old.

What’s so surprising about the fact that people are concerned with their own safety over the safety of a complete stranger? Who is going to pay for my dental work after I get punched in the mouth, or my lawyer fees after I get thrown in jail for fighting? The extremely vulnerable woman who might have been raped?