Grimace is a Butt Plug

Some abilities like the Seeker Mine/Grenade do this, but work ok if you throw them instead of dropping it on the ground next to you.

Done killin’?  Back to chorin’.

I had a hard time with Resistance at first, but I’m starting to enjoy it.  I feel like it might take a different tone on the next season, due to Kaz’s father being in the Hosnian system right when the First Order, you know, blows it up.

SpaceX is already saving millions by recovering the 1st stage, which no one else is doing currently.  If they want to showcase the new capsule by using a little more CGT fuel to dock instead of berth, there is no harm in that.

You silly goose. White rich people do not go to jail, unless they rip off other white rich people (see Bernie Madoff). Even then, they go to cushy rich-guy jail and have butlers and shit.  He’ll be just fine.

As a player of the video games, it’s super important to me to know who an optional fictional character fucks.

Our minds, especially as Americans (if that’s what you are) are conditioned to reward failure with punishment. You take your punishment and maybe you learn from it. The Federation/Starfleet mind is more conditioned to see it as a learning experience and an opportunity to do better, except in egregious circumstances.

Stop having kids.  Problem solved.

This is like something you would read in one of Terry Goodkind’s books.

West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette

tHe OrViLlE iS tEn TiMeS tHe StAr TrEk ThAt DiScOvErY iS.”

Good luck with that, since he’ll declare voter fraud to be a national emergency next.

So what happens when they reach their ‘full potential’?  Is it like some sort of Quickening, where they obtain the prize? Do they finally cum?  Can there only be one?

You may have understood it that way in 1980, but not everyone had the same upbringing as you. We are all a product of our upbringing, and 40+ years ago we were far more likely to have parents with racist/hurtful beliefs than we are today. Beliefs which were passed down, and if the child was lucky, they eventually

Is he pure enough for us? Is he clean? Has anyone done thorough research to determine if he has ever been in blackface? Only when he is clean will he feel our power.

Same.  I feel bad for hating on this show so much when it first came out.  I watch it religiously every week now.  It’s great Star Trek.

Step 4: Do nothing because of “muh monies” and fuck over your own children and their future children.  You’ll be dead by then, so what does it matter?

This this this.  Whoever made this quote is almost certainly on their way out and does not give a single fuck.

I don’t know either of these people, but why is the pretty one marrying the one that looks like he crawled out of a garbage can filled with black bean spaghetti? Seems kinda weird.

He looks like an old man masquerading as a 25-year-old.