Grimace is a Butt Plug

I always thought the Resident Evil 5 cover art was kind of sketchy:

Yeah...that’s the face of a man who gets pegged regularly. And that’s also the face of a woman that thoroughly enjoys some giving some deep pegging.

Hey - if you want to risk the sacrifice of your body, your mental well-being, and personal relationships partly for the sake of protecting my freedom to buy gasoline and other strategic resources relatively cheap, then be my guest. All the stump-shakes and “Thank you for your service” comments you’ll get while rolling

Tumblr without porn is like a hamburger without meat.

Dude, clear the sand out of your foreskin.  Seems like a legitimate question asked in a polite way.

Poor Katy Perry!  I do so hope that she has the financial ability to put support structures in place to help her through this trying time.  Maybe we should start a GoFundMe to help her out???

StudioFOW is going to have a field day with these four.

I’m with you friend. As a bigender 1/4 Native American, 1/4 Hmong, and 1/2 Madagascarian African, I will remain furiously angry at this video game until I am represented by a character crafted to my exact gender and cultural specifications.  Furiously.  Angry.  At.  This.  Video.  Game.

And will any of you stop using Twitter/Shitter because of this?  Nope!

They only face harsh consequences if they piss off a large enough portion of other powerful people.  If the victims are mostly powerless people, no one cares.

I never said all bad actions could be explained by mental illness. Poverty and desperation is a source of a lot of crime too, and it’s made even worse by the criminal revenge system in the US.

Only primitive minds see it as evil. A person that is motivated to get a gun and kill a bunch of random people with it is always mentally ill, in some form.

I’ve had the opposite result.  Playing on an Xbox One X, I’ve only seen the running animation get weird once.  When I turned the Xbox off and back on, then ‘resumed’ the game, it locked up.  Other than that it’s really smooth!

We’re all thinking it.

You give Discord your CC info. They have a leak which exposes your CC info to hackers and you get your identity stolen.  If you did not opt out, and you want to be part of a class-action lawsuit that gets you some restitution, you are forced to use Discord’s arbitration system to come to a settlement.  If you do opt

Is anyone else just...fatigued with the glorification of these ‘Operators’ or ‘Specialists’ and how they’re depicted? It’s always some ultra-serious prong with a mohawk and shaved sides, with a big Odin-esque beard. Throw in a scarf or two and some tribal tats. The ‘how a cool legalized murderer would look and sound’

Delete Twitter.

You must be speaking of those crappy Hasbro Star Wars action figures that you see when accidentally you wander into the toy aisle at Ross or Marshalls.  Yeah, they’re crap alright.

An interesting tidbit about the construction of LoL Park that not many know about: Riot Games used the profits from their salt mines to fully fund it’s construction. In fact, 95% of the construction materials come from salt directly sourced from LoL players! What an amazing world we live in.

I don’t care for most of their games, but Nerdvana is a really cool restaurant.