Not enough stars to give for this comment. People like cdwag14 are the reason why Trump will be reelected in 2020.
Not enough stars to give for this comment. People like cdwag14 are the reason why Trump will be reelected in 2020.
Canada is a better place than the USA. We, as Americans, know this. Stop bragging.
Loggers are the real heroes of this nation.
Isn’t it naive though to assume every sex worker is an independent contractor? Especially in countries like the US where it’s still illegal in most places, pimping is still pervasive.
Is every character in this game some sort of LGBTQ(I forget the rest)? Serious question.
The behavior of a fun, decent man as president. We were so spoiled. God, how I miss it.
“Not once in history have the oppressed looked back and thought, ‘If only we had been more polite!’”
This review warms my cockles.
Buy graph paper and draw your own map. Warning: It may induce some pain from actually using your brain.
Texas goes red because it is a non-voting state. If you are here, you need to get off your ass and get your friends registered, and drag their asses to a polling place to vote.
Texas goes red because it is a non-voting state. If you are here, you need to get off your ass and get your friends registered, and drag their asses to a polling place to vote.
Mmm...your frantic denial of reality is tasty and sustaining.
Side note: do any police departments even wear blue anymore? Every cop I see is wearing black. My first thought is they want to look all military and tactical but aren’t allowed to go straight to the urban camo.
Lol this bootlicker.
He’s doing enough. It isn’t his responsibility to do more.
Can I have your copy?
Here’s a pro-tip: Live a life where you wear what you want (within the law), and not let the opinions of others rule your existence.
I’m honestly surprised she isn’t the vice president already. Trump wants to turn the presidency into a family business, and he’s grooming her to be the heir-apparent.