
You really should look into a Killer Instinct player named Dayton J AKA Wheels.

I completely understand why Konami is being the way they are. Yes it’s super petty and childish. But the culture of Japan is just different like that. And even tho all Kojima did was speak about his opinion about something he has spent most of his life making. I think his opinion is important and it’s not like he

I honestly feel forefathers from generations past would beat the hell out of us all if they could see how over sensitive and selfish the world has become.

I would love to see another developer pick up Scalebound. But on a more likely dream. I would like to see a Shadow of the Colossus 2. I know that Prey for the Gods is going to be kinda the same. But would still be nice.

As someone who plays nothing but fighting games. I can tell you first hand how annoying this is. Nothing is worse than playing and or watching someone who plays like that. Its boring and sad. And to be honest. Its worse when you have the top pro of MKX using such a cheep playstyle. But with that aside and the whole

Bethesda can go eat a large one. How sad is it that you go after an independent game maker over one word. This is just dumb.

I was thinking of getting the S8 untill I relized that it had a dedicated button for Bixby... I am not mad that they are trying to compete with the likes of Google assastant, Siri, or Cortana. But the fact of having a dedicated button for something that I will prob never use. And not being able to re-map it to

Now playing

This is the navys answers to just about everything...

WOW. I can say that I am not really a fan of this work. But I can appreciate The level of detail in each one... Vary nice.

100% agreed.

Why oh why did you have to toss Trump into this... I mean really? Cant I go a single day without having a game, tech, or nerd news outlet mention Trumps name. I honestly think his name is gonna break from being used as a crutch so much....

My problem for the longest time was my PS4 would just randomly cut off the LAN cable. Telling me it was disconnected. I ended up having to set up a static IP and port forwarding my PS4 to fix it.

I live in Virginia Beach and I know of this story. I can tell you first hand that this area is vary bitter and petty. I have lived in a few areas of the US and I can say that the Virgina Beach area is the most selfish and sad place I have ever lived

Am I the only one that thinks mobile games such as this one kills video games as a whole? With good balance and more time. This game could have been a great fighter on the Nintendo Switch or whatever you wanted it on. I guess I mean the waste of a good idea and licence like Transformers on a mobile game...

He should really do videos or make instructions. Can you buy just nano blocks? Or has this guy bought a ton of them?

I am someone who is vary objective when it comes to issues. I can honestly remove myself and look at both sides. I have no dog in this fight. No one I know is effected by this so it wont ring home to me as the saying goes. But as I look on this event. Like I had a choice since it has evaded everything on the internet.

Has anyone herd about digital download games? And I have no idea how they could. But if they will have any backwards compatibility?

Looks like it’s more of a lyiotard than underwear to me.

I believe that cheating in current times only applies to multiplayer. What someone does in a single player game that they paid for is up to them. But when you try to undermined the game to win against others in multiplayer. That is when I would call it cheating.

Me: Look I told you. He just can’t help himself.