
I agree with most of this except all the race bait. What does the artist being black have to do with anything? Absolutely nothing. It’s just another way to gain attention and force something in a direction that it wanst going. Doing a silly dance in some music video does not signify culture. I’ll admit that I hate

Looks good. I’ll play as long as I get to punch suffragettes and feed them to random wildlife. 

I love how everything becomes just as sad and blown out of control like politics have. Why do people care so much about something that means so little? I wish more people would adopt my outlook on life. The less fucks you give. The better off you’ll be.

I love this clear left side view. As if this article is not already written already. Its really sad that this is a view. While not every cop is perfect, you all act as if there is not a few bad apples at every job field. I would love to see those who criticize the police to do the same job. See how the views change

Excuse me, I have an announcement to make. Any person who hits people, tases, or uses mace on people just for having a different opinion makes you a coward. Just because you yell louder or keep people from talking doesn’t make you right. If these people spent as much time as they do arguing, protesting, and as much

I stopped the quiz because they asked PUBG or Fortnite without giving me the 3rd option. So I made my own.

Warframe is an amazing game. DE and Warframe is a direct representation of what a developer and game could be and should be. A lot of people wrote it off in the early days. But with the constant updates. Everything from graphics and textures, to lighting and pure content. They listen to fans and hold weekly streams.

I suffer from the same thing almost. These games are so big and have so much to do. That I’ll spend hours and hours just playing the games open world. Doing side quests and if possible, doing things way beyond my level for the challenge. Then I’ll find myself bored with the game. I then never finish the game cause the

My 2 cents... I could care less what other people do. As long as it doesn’t harm myself, anyone, or anything. But if you think for a second that I am going to jump through hoops or allow someone to bully me into using gender-neutral pronouns or put non-binary in front of said pronoun? I don’t think so. Just like how

It scares me to think of a world where a lot of games have a BR mode...

I think its awesome if I run across a girl in the chat. It’s rare and stories like this only show why you don’t. I find 2 things about this that I hate. 1st, the fact that guys even target girls that are playing a game just because. IDK about all the other men. But I sure would like to hear a female voice every once

Why is this a thing? Seriously? Woke up one day and was like.

Mine in it’s final form. Used to have an all in one liquid cooler for my CPU. So I upgraded to a water loop and included my 1080..

Lets hope is the way of the dinosaurs. It crashes to earth killing everyone in game and the severs go down as well. That way I could make it one day without Fortnite, or PUBG.

I have 2 feelings about this whole playing Fortnite or really anything in class. I feel that schools should get cellphone detectors and put phone lockers at the entrances. That or just let the kids play. Let them flunk classes and make life harder for themselves.

I really don’t know a lot about either of these streamers... But I can honestly say. The fact that people get angry and argue over something so significant really speaks volumes about what the general mass of people care about.

Wow! Really? So our ignorance and over sensitive ways are changing other countries now? People really need to pick up a book every once in awhile.

I don’t agree with the SWAT officer being part of the blame. I don’t care what you think. Nothing can prepare you to be in that person’s boots. You will probably never know what it’s like to be in that position. To be responsible for everyone’s life around you. Also thinking about your own life. The kind of stress

Maybe people should act like adults and not make inappropriate usernames. At the very least. Don’t make an inappropriate name for a game that is played by children. SMH.

I think this is a good idea. I’m sure the legal team at epic knows more than mom. Mom should be paying more attention to her kid who somehow has the ability to buy things online.