
Wow. Did you just really say that? Saying that the point was the joke and I missed it? You must circle the internet like a vulture. Just looking for comments to inject your lame troll like 2cents into. Someone is not paying attention. I clearly explained my reasoning for my comment. (not that I should to the likes of

As a matter of fact I did. Did you not bother to see my point? I’ll simplify it. Why make an old joke about The Last Guardian not being released in an article titled “The Biggest Video Game Disappointments 2016" When It did get released and is considered to be a good game?

Why is The Last Guardian on the list? It’s been out for a little while now.

I would love to see a Trasformers fighter with a Killer Instinct system...

I love how people can get mad at Nintendo for the ban. As if it’s OK to steal and not have something bad happen.

As a hardcore Gears fan that has played all the games and read all the books/comics. I have never been a fan of the multi-player. Horde mode is fun. But playing with everyone who only use shotguns get old real fast. Haven’t played Gears 4 yet because I am working on beating the pervious ones again. But maybe this will

I forgot that I had pre-ordered the Gears of War XboxOne S. So now that it is hear. I’m trying to play the 4 previous Gears games again before starting Gears 4.

This guy needs to be castrated.

Love the article and understand your points. But I find having nothing makes my heart beat faster. I feel if I can defend my self then I have a chance. But with nothing at my side. I’ll die. But diversity of likes is what makes video games go from good to the best.

After reading this. I now realize why I have grown more and more uninterested in western animation over the years. I love the 80s and 90s. It’s what I grew up with. But I can now see why I find the 2010s uninteresting.

Its not a strange Football game. But when is EA going to give us another NFL Street? I dont play sports games. But the Street series and games like Freekstyle were some of my favorites growing up...

If you are using you’re paid time off to play a video game on launch day. You need to rethink your priorities. Seriously.

I love how the sheep of the world get so bent out of shape over a “free” cell phone game. Spend money on said game. Then get all bent over backwards because the company stopped people from cheating. How about instead of pointing the finger at Niantic. Why not at yourself and/or the people who decided to cheat the hell

Some how I seen this coming. I had hopes for the game and thought that it was an awesome idea. But history has showed me that any game that gets this much hype but little to no gameplay or demo to show. It flops. So the biggest flop of 2016 candidate nomination.

Knowing what to do with money goes way beyond what you buy. But rather the situation you’re in. He spent that kind of money because he has more than enough. A “poor” person as you put it. Would have done that knowing they won’t have rent next week. A rule of thumb here. Don’t live beyond your means and you’ll do fine.

As the Navy is blue and gold, but mostly blue. The Marines are Red and gold.

The Christian Bale one would be 100% perfect with Reapers “Die! Die! Die!” LOL

This will draw in a lot of salt im sure. But I have no interest in No Man’s Sky. I dub it as one of thoes over hyped games that will flop. Seems like this is just another sign.