Because of course that's a meme.
Because of course that's a meme.
I will never be satisfied until I know why Rene Descartes was chosen for that gif.
I'm a little surprised by all the "I'm okay with this" comments. Yeah, obviously the guy is criminal and she deserves justice, but... permanently maiming him in a horrifying way? Which, in all likelihood, this will result in a shortened lifespan for him too? I don't condone this anymore than a woman who got acid…
I just can't believe both the flippant (and somewhat [though I'm sure unintentional] non-sequitur-ial tone of this article [pretty sure South Africa has a set of social traumas outside the Bushes and Jenny McCarthy) and the already long stack of comments condoning physical violence and vigilante justice in this…
I made one person a little over ten years ago and I consider that one a resounding success.
Let me add this one.
I'm glad so many people have commented that it works and without most of the side effects.
Obviously neither of you used Micrsoft's BOB operating system. :)
I have a prescription for this. The generic is called Modafanil. While I am not side effect free, it has returned me from the land of the dead (both literally and figuratively). I have a chronic illness that makes me feel like a zombie.....nothing good came of most of my waking days. As a self-perceived waste of…
No No No No, not cool. ETA, what if you bite the side of your mouth, then you have wiggly lizard style tail in your mouth. Thanks for the nightmares!
What if your tongue had two little pink arms with little hands... And they would like help move the food around in your mouth and they could massage your gums... And assist in blowjobs... Afterwards it would shake its little hands for a job well done and then they'd get to work picking any pubic hair out of…
I cannot gaze upon the bottom of that tongue without visions of a well-shorn scrotum filling my brain.
I'm just going to share this story from last Saturday. A good money-making night- the restaurant is packed, we're trying to turn over tables. Of course half of them are fucking campers. So when another 8 top of 40 something year olds roll in, I'm begging my manager to give them to me. Bright eyed and with an imaginary…
"I really hate to be that guy and to stick up for coffee latte lady"
I've heard of that whole stack of bills on the table thing before and I literally cannot think of a better way to guarantee your food will get fucked with. Seriously, don't piss your waitress off before your food even gets to the table.
We are legit terrible.
He goes on to explain that every time a "waitress" does something he doesn't like, he takes a dollar off the stack and puts it back in his wallet. According to him, this guarantees EXCELLENT "waitress" behavior. He ends it with, "And it doesn't matter anyway, we live in [a state] where the restaurant has to pay them…
Obviously the steak fajitas had not been grilled enough. The longer you grill them, the more tender they become. Look it up.
I want a goddamn coffee latte in a goddamn monogrammed thermos right now!!!! And God help you if there's any red in there because I'm allergic to red!