
Ahh but there's an obvious flaw in your "Michelle Obama kidnaps conservatives and harvests their skin for her robot leg" theory: it assumes she would have been able to find conservatives that matched her skin tone!

If someone says you look manly just punch 'em out with your impressive arm muscles.

I lost it at "they don't have very good website design." I can't even pinpoint why exactly that's so hilarious to me. Just the whole idea of you trying to get the gist of their point but failing because of their shitty websites is killing me. Like, yeah they're batshit insane and don't use logic but their WEB DESIGN!!

"The Nordic race of aliens are the good ones"??

This is not a new thing! This conspiracy theory has been around for yeeaaarrs.

"Oh gee whizz, why don't the Girl Scouts ever choose anything other than the Sparkle activity when we have so many other great programs marketed and described as only being for Boy Scouts?? What a quandary! "

Your parents sound awesome. I plan to reproduce at some point in the near future, and what I worry about the most is how I'm going to keep my well-meaning but traditional/conservative relatives from imparting their sexist beliefs on my offspring. Like, what should I do if I have a girl-baby and her grandma gives her

This is one of my all-time favorite webcomics and it will never not make me smile. Feminist nerd-dads FTW!


I LOVED Clue when I had an iPhone, and was crushed to find out they don't have an Android version.

Chris Pratt = perfect human

Yeah I am more than a little bit ok with this..

Man, if everybody keeps unfairly defaming Redskins Fans like this, people are going to be embarrassed to call themselves Redskins Fans! Just the term Redskins Fan will become so offensive it becomes a slur, and no one will ever want to be called a Redskin Fan. They may even have to change the team's name to avoid

I also have an anxiety disorder that is *mostly* managed, and I would say, in response to "how do you manage it?" that it depends on what your personal anxiety "style" and triggers for freakouts are.

i have this problem: anxiety attacks that I worry are actually heart attacks. It makes me freak out at the time and exacerbates my situation. However, I just can't afford to stop what I'm doing and go to the ER when this happens. For one, the ER bills would bankrupt me! Also, for example, the last anxiety attack I had

Thank you for sharing this. I'm sorry that happened to you and your family, but now maybe your story will help someone else on here.

See, I was thinking more along the lines of Twatlate Chip or Mingerbread, but we all have our personal preferences.

More like a DELICIOUS medical condition, amirite??

Vulvadoodles is my stripper name.

My school does that too!! I asked a friend who worked for the Bursar and she said it had something to do with how the fees are charged for the school to process payments on Visa versus the others. Like, Visa's processing fees are calculated in a way that causes them to be disproportionately high for large purchases,