I came here to say that, but you stole my thunder. I hope you're happy.
I came here to say that, but you stole my thunder. I hope you're happy.
Country hip-hop is a thing, and it's called hick-hop. For reals. I wish I didn't know that, but I do, and now so do you.
Pretty much. I mean, who even reads hetero fanfic, anyway?? Khirk all the way.
A+ use of the crysturbating gif and perfect comment all around. I'm going to echo this with a resounding "what s/he said!!"
Rescue doxies FTW! I have three myself. They are awesome little weinerschnitzels and hearing about what happened to Mimi makes me want to travel to your town and seek Batman-style vengeance.
I aim to please. Not usually gay men, but I'll take what I can get.
You're kidding, right? As someone of the female persuasion, I would do all these things if my boyfriend DIDN'T go see Deadpool with me on V-Day.
Seriously, are we just not doing phrasing now??
I am fascinated by this, in a horrified and confused kind of way. I am white, and as a side effect of living in a Midwestern suburb, a lot of my friends are white, and I've never personally witnessed someone ask a POC "what are you". But I know that obviously it happens ALL. THE. TIME. So what I want to know is, who…
I feel like you spend a lot of time standing in front of a full length mirror admiring your penis and testicles and telling yourself what a big strong manly man you are for not drinking cider.
Yep, Strongbow completely changed the recipe they sell in the US and I am extremely unhappy about it. Boycotting them forever.
This guy speaks the truth.
oh man, someone tell me where to get this in Ohio, because I can tell just from looking at that can that it'd be awesome.
Nooo, Strongbow changed their recipe in the US a couple months ago. They no longer make original Strongbow, just the Golden Apple and Honey Apple, both of which taste like Mott's apple juice with extra sugar. Strongbow is no longer dry at all and is sweet as hell, and I hate it. Bars in my town still stock it as "dry…