
Katy Perry does. Didn't you read the article?

A C is a pretty massive lowball for this film. Disclosure up front: I didn’t really love Infinity War, mostly because the stakes felt cheap given that, for example, we *knew* Black Panther isn’t going to die, because his movie just made billions worldwide. A little unfair to apply that meta context to the film,

My God! It’s true! I can’t believe it!

Has Bird ever publicly claimed to be an objectivist? Because looking at his films, the claim looks pretty damn spurious. Not every elitist is an objectivist. The nastiness of Rand’s philosophy isn’t so much the elitism as its ennobling of selfishness.

Yeah, like Pixar CEO John Lasseter.

Hard to “quantum leap” over two seasons so high in quality...

Hot take: This season was fine, but by no means a “quantum leap” above the first two.

No, I was always like this.

Interesting note from Summer at the end— “You two are always fighting, it’s a miracle you get anything accomplished.” I immediately wondered if that was Meta for Dan and Roland.

Shows should NEVER be graded on a curve, but on standard criteria on what makes a good show. What you are suggesting is if you scored an 96 on one exam for an A, then the next exam you scored a 91, and the professor says that’s not your best, and gives you a B.

We’ve been spoiled and want more.

/pol/ has broken your brain.

I love Planned Parenthood. Makes for a great 2nd date.


I’m sorry, I wasn’t very clear.

Literally apply Phillip’s head screws to that guy.

I’m an old and even I know he’s full of shit.

The lesson of working hard (at playing video games), being honest (in your casually hateful outbursts), and reaching for your dreams (of being an enormously wealthy internet jackass) is one that all children should internalize.

Edit? This guy? Nahh, that’s too much of a work ethic.

Spoken like a true sewerfoot.