
Wait, so you’re saying Peter Parker is coming back?! Wow!

The first film had several throwaway lines of dialogue where Dash says something like, “if everyone’s special, then no one is,”; kinda interrupted the flow of the film, but it didn’t seem all that objectivist, just sorta edgy.

No do-overs, unless you delete browsing cookies.

Season 1’s finale was a fucking dance party. Personally I’m glad they didn’t make a, ‘this changes EVERYTHING,’ finale.

Right, because parents barring their kids from doing something always works so well

I’m willing to bet he uses the n word almost daily and simply edits it out before he uploads anything.

Trump is Dr. Strangelove, Swift is the Red Cross at Theresienstadt

Wait, these people still exist?

I’d much prefer my 10,000 gumballs, thank you very much