
Hard to sound like you give a shit about kids when you’re trying to stop those kids from coming here. What a piece of shit.

Some of us are DEFINITELY not over that. I’m a gigging musician and live sound engineer...Apple’s vision for the future of audio does not line up with mine.

Taking the video down is not going to make this any less tragic, and it isn’t going to hide the reality of what happens when people drive with zero regard for others. If this shocks just one person into toning it down while they’re out on the road, then it is worth it. Acting like it didn’t happen is very reductive of

It’s good to leave it up. It’s a visual reminder of what’s at stake behind the wheel of any car.

Sorry - I must have missed the part where you disproved the facts he put forward.

Not quite.

Honestly, this is the real takeaway for me. We continue to underestimate the percentage of the American population that is happy with what he is doing and how he is acting. Stuff like #TrumpRegrets may make us feel better, but it’s really not all that significant in the scheme of things.

That’s the thing these redneck motherfuckers will never understand. They’re so concerned about ISIS* that they elect a guy who basically makes their recruiting videos for them.

No, spin would be conveniently forgetting that the US government has absolutely no say in the sale of a Canadian company (headquartered in Toronto, actually read the article next time), and whether or not the US released the sale of the US based assets of Canadian controlled UO (which they do have a say in, it was

Go ahead, explain how uranium mines in Kazakhstan equate to US uranium production. We’ll wait. Then explain how Russia will deprive the US of this 20% when it cant export it out of the country. Then explain, how, even if they could deprive us of 20% of our production capability, that damages our ability to maintain

Clicks on foxtrotalpha, can’t figure out why foxtrotalpha posts are on foxtrotalpha, shakes fist at foxtrotalpha...

Foxtrot Alpha has been a sub blog of said car site for a long time and it is about the military. Uranium supplies are related to nuclear weapons, which are......wait for it....maintained by the military!

Can’t tell if serious or mimicking the people that say this on FA articles.

Did the cold war end before or after we ended racism?

It’s not Jalopnik. There is a big image at the top of the page that says “Foxtrot Alpha” which concerns the military and foreign affairs.

Why can you not read that this isn’t Jalopnik, it’s Foxtrot Alpha?

Good thing Flynn went over there in person and then lied in person to Pence instead of using email.

So, it looks like it’s far worse than the global embarrassment it already has been. This whole country just got Flynngerbanged.