
In recent days, Flynn has backtracked from that hardline stance, instead saying that he couldn’t remember if the topic of sanctions had come up. One entity that could remember was the FBI, which was tapping Kislyak’s phone.

So if Patraeus is nominated, confirmed, and supported by the Trumpkins, they’re just admitting Hillary’s emails never really mattered and they’re just misogynists, right?

This is what happens when you don’t bother vetting anyone. The media does it for you. I’ll bet his top appointed positions have record turnover rates.

Top figures resigning 3wks out? I knew that a Trump administration would be a colossal fuckup but this? It’s as if Trump and co are going for as many scandals as possible to show how anti-Obama they are. I’m honestly a little impressed over how awful they are at this.


one can hope this is the start of something

Never forget.

How did you know that The Truman Show is one of my favorite movies? You must be psychic!

“Trump, whose presidency so far has been mostly vacation and “working dinners,” will reportedly return to Mar-a-Lago for the third straight weekend. [Palm Beach Post]”

Props to you for staying strong and setting boundaries. I think one of the hardest aspects of making the decision to distance yourself from a loved one is having to listen to other people try to encourage you to “let it go” or “forgive and forget.” That’s just not realistic when the other person will continue to hurt

I hate how people get so indignant if you dare to speak ill of your parents, as if they know your life or something.

I had moved away from home at 18, and called my dad regularly, on my own, unsubsidized-by-him, I might add, long-distance dime. After a year of this, I thought to myself: ‘well, if he really wants to talk to me, I’m sure he’ll call me.’


The part that really resonated with me was his daughter saying it would have been nice to have everyone’s concern when she was a child. I remember so many times being told my abusive mother was “a saint” and wondering what was wrong with me.

“I am happy for those that simply do not understand, this means you had good parent(s)”

Reading that was cathartic and I empathize with the daughter. I was abused as a kid and I’m currently trying to negotiate and grapple with both loving my parents and being angry with them. They pretty much refuse to acknowledge the damage and hurt they inflicted and just deflect and guilt trip. It is not helpful when

This is the truly scary part. Trump can be gotten rid of (if he doesn’t blow himself out of the water first) but these tens of millions of alarmingly stupid assholes are not going anywhere. Decades of church and propaganda and talk radio have made them proud of being ignorant and mean- how do you reverse that?

Hell no they haven’t. Most of the republican base, with the exception of internet troll/frog posse, have stuck their heads in the sand. They only popup long enough to cry about people protesting and how it interrupts their Facebook cat videos. Why can’t you just be happy for us, they whine. No. Most of them have moved

Remember when everyone was worried about a vast oil conspiracy in the Middle East being carried out by the Hawks (Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz) who were pulling W’s strings during his Presidency?