
Sgt. Pepper turning 5o:
Small Brain: It’s a great album.
Glowing Brain: It’s no Pet Sounds
Exploding Brain: Yoko Ono did the world a favor.
Cosmic Brain: I bet no one’s blown Paul McCartney’s dick like a cello.

At some point in your daily online existence, while either participating in or bearing witness to some argument or

Right. I get that he has a viewpoint here and that’s great and all…

What you don’t see is that the steps Jason needs to take to kill each of the counselors is just as convoluted and video gamey. While you guys are all running around scared Jason’s like

Except in cases where you’re required to by an HOA, care about your property values, or care about your relationship with your neighbors.

Sheet? Don’t be ridiculous. Ghosts don’t have sex in sheets, as everyone knows from the scene in Ghostsbusters where a ghost gives Ray a blowjob (which is, for the record, technically known as a boojob).

Yes, the issue is in a never ending quest for cost cutting, it’s easier to cheat the emissions than it is to develop the tech.

People love to complain about participation ribbons, and that’s sort of what would happen here. There is a bar in place. Meet it, or don’t enter the race. You don’t get to change the rules

I think that Part I, Season I of The Get Down was electrifyingly good, but I binged it over a weekend, which I think probably makes a huge difference in terms of keeping all the expansive plots together.

This is my same argument for all the live tv musicals they’ve been doing. You have ALLLLL of broadway to choose from. You can’t argue that you chose Breslin for her big name draw,, so what’s the excuse for choosing her. If tv insists on doing live musicals or remaking shit like this, get actual

Better yet, try Castlevania 2. Not difficult exactly but it’s so opaque you’ll not know what the game expects you to do.

Somebody left out “be attractive.”

And yet, when he opens his mouth, a stream of shit comes out, imitates fart, I guess.

I was bullied as a kid, and I would never work for a known con artist and sexual predator. You can still despise him, he wanted to be on the bullying side. #GOP

Absolutely sickening that these women cave in to misogynistic Islamist pressure to cover their heads.

You heard the man, people: do not, under any circumstances, like, share, retweet or discuss any Deadspin articles, no matter how much you may have enjoyed them, lest they gain goodwill without proper payment. And need I remind you that they are owned by a multibillion-dollar company?! I can’t quite articulate why that

I loved the show. It’s definitely stronger than the movie, but that’s because it has more time to flesh out the characters. In fact, I’d expect a second season to at least improve on all the criticisms laid out here. It definitely seems like it’s setting itself up for a deeper look into Sam and Gabe.

I’d like to agree with you that she got what she deserves, but she appears to have made it out of the building as a billionaire with the power to ruin a generation of schoolchildren.