
questmarkers are to me a ‘don’t go there yet’ marker.

Or maybe just don’t smoke in any public bathrooms anywhere. Other people have asthma, allergies ect and also would like to take a piss without smelling like an ashtray at the end.

You know as well as I do that isn’t true. Several of these “people” represent districts that have actively voted against their own interests for years. This won’t change a god damned thing.

The shear audacity of this, and to celebrate after, is fucking disgusting.

As a fake internet attorney, let me preemptively address the knotty legal arguments from those who would ask “What about his right to free speech?”: Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot

The thing is though, that YouTube is the one signing the checks, and there isn’t anyone else that is going to pay more. Yes, an upstart could appear and poach a bunch of the top producers, but revenue is going to go down over the next few years no matter what anyone does.

I’m not going to say that making YouTube is not “real” work. But I will say it was always obviously and blaringly clear that it was extremely risky work which you should have known was risky and non-guaranteed when you picked it as your livelihood. It was always gold rush. The bubble was always going to burst.

This “maker” or “contractor” job market seems so risky. At any time, Amazon, Youtube, Uber, etc. can change an algorithm or policy on any given day and you go from making enough to live to making a few bucks a day.

“Myers’ team found evidence of links to depression and dysphoria (general dissatisfaction with life)“

Somebody better tell everyone it’s 8 oz cups. Does anybody drink 8 oz cups of coffee any more?

I’d kill for a new Jet Set Radio. Or even an HD remaster of Radio Future. Closest game that has come to scratch my Jet Set itch is Sunset Overdrive. Come on Sega, hire this artist and get started!

It has everything to do with cars. He almost maybe had a job working at a place that made cars.

I hope you don’t get an endless parade of “what does this have to do with cars” comments, because this is the kind of quality longform journalism which I love to see on Jalopnik. Thanks, Ryan.

I am always fascinated by these because one, it amazes me that anyone would actually carry all this shit around every day, and two, I am so much the opposite. Instead of EveryDayCarry, I am constantly trying to find ways to carry less shit. I hate having things in my (pants) pockets, I’m not cool enough (or too cool)

No couple REALLY cues up an episode of Real Sex to get in the mood.

South Korea has a *very* unusual celebrity culture. This is an amazing/mildly-terrifying deep-dive:

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

That ideas like single payer or a government option are great ideas, but political infeasible.

She is only claiming he is a nice guy because he hasn’t been captured yet. He is still a threat to everyone and putting the blame on her. If she condemns him in any kind of way it could make the situation worse for other innocent people. She is trying not to set him off further.