Funded and carried out 9/11.
Funded and carried out 9/11.
+ [redacted]
To be fair, when they put it to a vote only 15 of 19 Saudi players voted against participation.
Jesus, dude. What world are you living in? It sounds like you think it’s the fucking apocalypse or something. You’re not a stray dog. You are a human. Make better choices.
“the crime of verbal assault”
You are a weak man. Only immature man-babies regularly get into fist fights over a “loss of respect.”
You’re conflating pacifism and de-escalation. If you’re in imminent physical danger; defend yourself. If an ignorant racist twat belittles you on a bus, be a bigger person. Or don’t, insult her and walk away. But don’t hit her. If one of your ‘hitees’ had shot you to death because you struck them there’s a solid…
Talk shit, get hit.
Well, no. Change your example. Let’s say the person who made the comment about gimps and cripples is a frail 90 year old man hooked up to an oxygen tank. He’s emphysematic. Wheezing. You’d reach over to punch him in the face?
Oh man it’s the best, can’t deny, but I also know many people who do face that kind of treatment and live fulfilling lives because they choose not to violently respond to racist assholes, let alone racist old bags on a bus
shit you got me, I should respond to your insult by slapping you in the face
Threat of bodily harm is different you shitbag. Don’t bring in “history” to this shit. Give the bitch the finger, tell her to fuck off and walk away.
Teachable moments for both idiots really. Im not a fan of racists and people who hit others because someone said a bad word to them, let alone a woman
“Someone wants to fight - I give it to them. Anything else is weakness. Ask a wolf what weakness means; he’ll tell you dinner. I won’t be shamed for giving a fool their reward. I’m not Jesus - I won’t turn a cheek for another blow.
Don’t put words in my mouth. Also seek some help brother, don’t hit people
I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.
This just proves that is the worst possible response.
Labeling the menstrual cycle as “unclean” does plenty of emotional damage to both genders.
Isn’t it funny that the God who created the whole, wide, largely empty universe is concerned with weird shit like this? It’s so odd how all his obsessions happen to sync with a bunch of dudes who lived in the Middle East a couple thousand years ago. Almost like a bunch of sexist dudes just made the whole thing up.