I got an idea. Why not wait and watch the show to see how it is?
I got an idea. Why not wait and watch the show to see how it is?
I don’t know for sure because I’m not a writer on the show and therefore I don’t know what the idea is exactly, but from the little bit that Spellman mentioned there, it appears that it will be a show about how slavery never really went away and how modern institutional racism was germinated then and continues now.
Nah, I’ll wait and see how it is before I pass judgement.
My favorite post from this blog/site/whatever was when they said Confederate was bad because slavery is recent and descendants of slaves are still alive but then justified Man in the High Castle as fine while completely skipping over the fact that Jewish genocide was way more recent than slavery, and that people who…
Honestly, I don’t see what the big deal is. We can watch a show called “The Man in the High Castle” depicting a world where Germany-Japan won WWII, but we don’t want to see a show about American atrocities. I honestly think white America needs to see this, because most tend to “gloss over” the full implications of…
While you’re correct in saying those connections have been more than adequately drawn in peer reviewed journals, literature, essays and film, it’s never been done in a medium as far reaching as an HBO series. All those other mediums are ones people actively have to seek out, they have to be interested in learning…
The Green party nominated a woman who thinks Putin isn’t a bad guy (the two greatest nuclear powers in the world who have continually had supremely hawkish views towards each other and have played with Armageddon before having a good relationship is probably crucial to the survival of the human race),
Yes it is in no way Hillary Clinton’s fault that she lost. Bernie Sanders told her not to go to Wisconsin, Michigan or Ohio.
People with working brains can do their fucking research
Boy, politics really does bring out the intellectually challenged around here, doesn’t it?
Putting aside all the other stuff I said about the context of the primaries, because I think I myself have been irresponsible in my own message, it does not have to be Sanders specifically.
And who didn’t campaign in Wisconsin? Hillary.
Well considering he’s open about it, so they wouldn’t have to. And yet he’s still cheered on by Trump voters.
Right. Trump would destroyed Sanders. The most popular politician would be destroyed by one of the most hated.
“They could be in every debate, talk themselves blue in the face, and it wouldn’t fucking matter”
How do you know? Sanders moved the debates from character analysis to the issues and started gaining widespread support. Yes talking about anything but issues is exactly what the people want to hear. People love the…
People can sit there and say Hillary was a bad candidate, but she beat Trump to the tune of 3M+ in the popular vote and that just eats him up. She wasn’t a bad candidate, she was the unfortunate result of an electoral college system that nowadays has a built in advantage in the red states.
“They lost their turn.”
Before I even read any of the comments.
So tired of the popular vote argument. It is such a red herring. It’s like arguing your team should have won the game because they had more passing yards.
OF COURSE there was gonna be a backlash.