Sorry, but I’m not watching half an hour of some racist bitch.
Sorry, but I’m not watching half an hour of some racist bitch.
I’m not sure about psychosis, but I did try this shit back when it was legal, and can confirm it’s waaaaay more fucked up than weed. Of course it wouldn’t even exist if weed were legal.
Why would you write that when you could have written “Dick 4:69" instead? What a wasted opportunity.
Jeez. Wrestling fan until the end.
Your comment makes me angry on so many levels. I think society has failed YOU.
Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?
Oh give me a fucking break. Society failed him by making him an idolized millionaire? Get a fucking grip.
Well she is the main character. Just like HIMYM and Scrubs (as examples), the main character is the most annoying person by far.
Hannah is the worst.
But you brought that up as a way of deflecting from the actual grim subject of this article. I’m just tired of the hypocrisy. You’re the same kind of asshole who brings up the Crusades in an article about the latest act of Muslim terrorism. It’s pretty transparent and people are over of it.
OK, there’s clearly no reason to have a conversation with you. You’re hell-bent on being obtuse about your true motivation for posting that. Why you felt the need to defensively bring up the racism of police in an article about a black guy slaughtering an elderly black man on Facebook Live is completely beyond me.
Black shooters get taken alive all the time. Both of the DC snipers, for instance. Why are you making this about race? Can’t you just criticize the black murderer without bringing up white people as a way to deflect?
I dunno, if you’ve staked your identity and emotional wellbeing on being the hot conservative chick that douchey conservative bros all flock around, suddenly not having an outlet for that attention anymore probably is pretty destabilizing. Guess Tomi will have to figure something else to base her self worth on. …
Watching her get eaten by her own is my current catharsis.
That’s a shame. Always struck me as a really nice guy. RIP, Unity.
Whaaaaa? Sad surprising news, didn’t know he was ill.
Hitler never re-accommodated innocent people like these people just did.
Someday he’ll lose a step but he will be the last one to know it. When he does, all the brilliance and fun he brings to a team will instead just destroy them as he keeps chasing empty stats while the team doesn’t win shit
I imagine that when you belong to the kind of shallow, narcissistic world that the Kardashian clan has built for themselves then the smallest bit of criticism must be really hard to take.
I know. Ivanka’s gonna be pissed.