
I still get annoyed that there isn’t a question mark in ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’.

I’m in my mid-30s and I think I’m right on the cusp of not really knowing much about her, since my wife (who’s a couple years older) was in disbelief that I didn’t celebrate the woman’s entire catalog.

Thanks for this, you Monday morning saint

i.e., they need a safe space. Got it.

I lived in Busan for a time, and the Lotte Giants are the talk of the town year-round. They even have an awesome cheering song to the tune of ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ that goes ‘Lo-tte Gi-a-nts-uh!’ Try to sing it, it’s fun.

With Lena Dunham making a ‘controversial’ comment just before the final episode in order to boost ratings?

I reserve the term specifically for people like KellyAnne Conway, who shrivel in disgust and give you the “Well, I declare” face whenever they hear any sort of profanity.

Too bad OJ already took the “If I Did It” title.

“I got it... a guy named Weiner... who likes to show off his dick... and then completely fucks the presidential election! Too on the nose? Nah, I’m keeping it.”

Two members of my immediate family are park rangers, and I’ve known USPS employees my entire life. Most of them are as progressive and flowerchildish as they come (and I mean both of these things as compliments).

I know someone (a loud Trump voter) whose spouse recently beat cancer. Since the election, this person has voiced concern over their spouse losing insurance coverage for having a pre-existing condition. Who does this person blame? Obama. They literally gave a sarcastic “thanks Obama” in their last post about the

I hear you, but goddamn it am I sick of people lumping in Bernie supporters with the rest of these ass hats. And yeah, I know you said Berniebros, but you meant all Bernie supporters. Just own it.

To be fair, there’s a good chance both of his parents died by suicide. I mean, just read what he’s writing. HE.

Crossfit and Ayn Rand. At least, I’d say those are your two BIGGEST problems.

Kind of a non-issue though, isn’t it? I (being a male) registered for the selective surface when I turned 18 in 2001. Fifteen years and two atrociously long overseas military conflicts involving U.S. troops later, and I still haven’t been drafted.

Man, who knew Kristen Bell was so conservative?

I’m one or two outrage-based stories away from turning in my liberal card and going purely apolitical. Fucking crybabies.

You’re totally right. I’m so confident this will happen that I’m not even going to vote in 2020.