
Unfortunately it’s powered by diesel and has 3 open recalls on it.

Translation - “The standalone films won’t be part of continuity...unless they’re successful. If they’re not we can just pretend they never happened”.

are they good eating? nice stuffed Porg, slowly roasted with some root vegetables...

Who else is going to be this years Constable Zuvio figure?

So true. We didn’t need to know WHY he painted over his mustache, he just DID, and so you knew he was crazy.

Man that slip was so Freudian it went on to create a school of psychology

I don’t think Donald Trump really is a Nazi, in the same way and for the same basic reasons I don’t think he’s

That’s a transporter??? Even Star Trek: Enterprise had a recognizable transporter pad, even if the didn’t like to use it at first. Discovery is supposed to be after Enterprise and before TOS, but this is another continuity error worse than the armor. It looks more like a prop left over from The Time Machine.

Authorities are seeking this man:

Now playing

I hope it’s actually the PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE that’s being added.

Hulk make snoo snoo in a skull?

Actors who already have Star Wars names:

Can someone teach Trump HOW TO SIT ON A GODDDAMN CHAIR?!?

The song really annoyed me, it was too on the nose. It also sounds like a most recent teenage angst song.

My favorite part is how these are the same people who bitched for years about the ACA being rushed through Congress (it wasn’t) without bipartisan support (no fault of Obama’s), while they couldn’t even wait for a CBO estimate this time.

They shoulda called it Excalibro and worked in some Axe product placements.