
No more people dressing in Nerd Face!

I would totally watch the entire movie in this style!

As a huge Swamp Thing fan, I don’t feel this new show will do the characters justice. While often fun to watch, none of his other shows or movies have either. I’ll still give it a chance

Star Wars basically being a genre is a cool idea. The galaxy is huge and there’s a lot that can be done with it

Negan scooting around while bound to the creeper cart was so goofy it became wonderful

It’s been beautiful to see Ahsoka grow as a character as I’ve witnessed my own daughters grow in the same time over all these years. Her treatment has been amazing! I welcome the opportunity to see her develop even more

I could totally see Kanan being killed off and Ezra following Thrawn back to the Unknown Regions with Ahsoka where they can have a whole bunch of new adventures that won’t interfere with the saga

I assumed it was going to be one with Tuvix, but clearly I forgot about the lizard episode

I’m in!

I prefer the creepy and more horror oriented episodes as opposed to the funny ones. But I have to admit the were-monster (Kolchack the Night Stalker love!) and this episode are both great. Reggie being inserted into classic X-Files moments was especially fantastic

I was under the impression after seeing the texts on the Falcon that Yoda knew Rey had taken the texts and had no problem with destroying the tree that had contained them. The old Jedi fell due to being too set in their ways and blinded by hubris. Having Rey’s fresh new interpretation of what it means to be a Jedi

Wow. With so many jumping all over you for this, it’s no wonder you feel the way you do. Toxic fandom is certainly a problem and I for one do not appreciate it. You brought up a lot of valid points and I have nothing but respect for what you wrote. Star Wars can be consumed casually and nobody has to love or even like

“Can you make this look more premium?”

I have a hard time accepting era specific heroes and villains about while playing an objective set in an era they do not belong in. For example: Having both Kylo Ren and Darth Maul dicing up Clone Troopers on Kamino during the Clone Wars. GAHHHHH! No.

I found the cut and paste cgi walker approach to the bridge segment to be padding. I am happy to finally see Rick get his crap together (it’s about time)

I wonder if ConCon is really Mike Pence...

An Obi-Wan Kenobi/Owen Lars disastrous road trip action/comedy would be great

Gets me pumped for that MMA themed kegger while wearing cool guy jeans that have too much embroidery on the buns. We are the warriors, bro!  

They did! I would consider this a major improvement. The one in the pilot is gross