
He secretly always wanted to be a rally driver. This was his big chance to prove himself. I wish him the best.

A man can still dream.

It’s a special tire compound that releases colors during burnouts. The first rubber layers have one color and the layers below have different colors so as the tire wears the they change.

Now playing

All time record is as worth a watch as anything you’ll watch today

Right there with you. I haven’t even been a commenter here for all that long and I get annoyed by the setup. I imagine it’s even worse when you’re a long time regular. Hopefully it gets straightened out soon.

Thanks for understanding.

Came here looking for some MLG content. Left satisfied.

I hate when a less frequent Kinja page gets posted to the FP because most people haven’t been approved yet. It makes posting and reading comments strange. Everyone followed by Jalopnik should also automatically be followed by Films, Lane Splitter, Carbuying, etc.

Seriously Roadkill has more than filled the spot in my heart left empty by Top Gear’s cancellation.

I’m going to start using whenever I sign up for social media/news apps/porn sites. That is all.

Instructions not clear, got dick stuck inside 311.

In light of recent events, I concur.

Everytime a Jalopnik article begins “we crashed” I get nervous.

I sure as hell hope not, I still need one in my garage.

I don’t yet know exactly who that high-profile customer is, but I’m going to assume it’s R2-D2 and his wife, Natalie Portman, who have been trying to have a child for some time, and it’s no secret that the baby they create will have some very unpopular political convictions that would make it a ripe target for

Still cheaper than an Escalade.

It has a manual option. I’ll take 3.

Oh gosh I remember now. It was based on the diesel rotary from the Miata if memory serves.

But what’s the name of their engine?

Pff no need for that. Any reason to post a GT is a good reason!