
Congrats, this is the most out of touch thing I’ve read in a while.

Trust me, if all there was to streaming was just the watching someone play a game, then it wouldn't have taken off for some streamers. It's how they interact and entertain their audience that's the main draw. A good streamer can make even the worst games seem fun. 

Well the way it works now, you pick an expansion at lvl 10 and play through that expansion to make it to level cap. Before you’d out level the expansion before you saw everything and be forced to move on.

This is a Larian game you’ll be missing out on 20% contents if you or your companions can’t talk to animals

Vimes is just not punk rock. Vimes is actually a staunchly lower class, conservative, unsophisticated man who, over the course of the series and mostly against his will, becomes rich, grudgingly progressive and politically astute, while still holding onto his everyman roots through sheer bloody-mindedness. If he heard

No, Australia’s government thinks the internet is a fad and doesn’t invest jack or shit into it so the speed of available internet is trash garbage so it’s hard to keep a good crowd of competitive gamers going with a pool large enough to field a competitive league.  Its just not worthwhile to spend millions upon

On top of me not wanting to see a palanquin being viscously shredded to pieces, it was nice to see Cartman take Stan’s plea to heart and do the right thing.

Downplayed, but vital: Cartman performs a selfless act, which is immediately undone by Garrison/Trump.

Line of the night:

Also what are they going to do, spend tens if not hundreds of billions just to establish competing infrastructure so they can lose even more money trying to undercut game sales and each other?

I feel this. I mean I’d probably try one if I had a decent internet connection, but they don’t do much to interest or excite me at current.

I cannot stress this enough... I don’t care about cloud streaming services.

Still playing pretty much daily, although most days it’s just to check the visitor and stores. Still slowly working on landscaping around town, just managed to get my first purple windflower yesterday, which was a nice surprise. It’s nice to finally see the ground and trees becoming a different color, and I’m looking

Interesting article. Could you do one for Sony?

All I know is that I have a PS4 and a first gen 3D tv, so I have no need for 4K consoles.  

The Miles game is clearly DLC that Sony said “no, you need to make this a full game, we need a launch title.” Maybe they added more busy work to the game to pad the hours, but it won’t be enough to justify full price, which is why Remastered is being tacked in to the full price version.

Quibble about the prison release, It was a fictional super max prison, which also included the super enemies enemies that Spidey had put in jail, not a normal prison

That’s always been the case with Microsoft, and now that they offer Game Pass for PC, Microsoft is 100% okay with that.  They don’t care where you play as long as you keep paying for their subscription services.  

Seems less like a reason to buy an Xbox and more of a reason to buy a good gaming PC. 

I heard, “So long big bowser!”