
I think some people use the “launchers” for much more than just starting games, like social features or drm-free or trading cards whatever other features all these store nowadays have, and others just wanna keep all games in one place. So I guess its a personal preference for most, but honestly Im not gonna tell

To me, souls-like would be basically anything that includes stamina-management based combat (which this does), and perhaps enemies that respawn when you visit a save point. The masocore element doesn’t have to be included, and nor does the combat pace, necessarily.

I am going to need a 15 minute apology video posted to Twitch for that.

You don’t get to do your own rimshot GIF.

Whatever happened to donating to a streamer/charity/anything just because you like what they do? Obviously some streamers will tantalize viewers in exchange for donations and gifts. People who can’t see through the facade though shouldn’t have access to a credit card and/or bank account.

That crap about her having a boyfriend is the kind of thing I hear from the Japanese Idol industry.

No offense to Nathan, he has an interest in the whole streamer cult-of-personality and I’m sure a number of readers do, too. That said, if this is what Kotaku s becoming, I think I’m gonna go ahead and bounce.

Wish I had taken your advice before I clicked this article...


Thank god I’m too old for this shit.

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

Mr. Roosevelt, this is a Wendy’s.

Lol. I didn’t say Apple was the good guy here either. Just that Epic isn’t doing anything noble. You do realize neither company care about you? They just want your money

The whole 1984 angle and having all of this response prepared in advance really put a sour taste in my mouth. Trying to create this weird public discourse and use your arguably easily-influenced fan base to try and get what you want is...I mean, it’s on brand but it’s really gross. The extremely public and

That’s also the company comparing this malarkey to 1984 though. Noone looks good here.

EPIC: “This is AMERICA, people should have the FREEDOM to only give us money!”

This has to be some of the most calculated marketing I have seen in a long time.

Faxanadu is definitely one of my favorite NES games that doesn’t get listed among the typical classics. I too got it for Christmas one year after months of anticipation - I would look at that box in the store and just thought the game looked SO COOL and so up my alley.

It kind of depends on whether they empower the new HR person, seriously communicate the presence of an ombudsman that will follow up on reports, and put strong processes in place to dissuade retaliation. We’ll have to see whether employees grumble about disingenuous reform.