
I debated playing through the original trilogy again when the remastered version came out but any time I think about starting ME1 I realize that what I really want to do is just go back to ME2.

It’s a bit odd since it’s stuck in the middle and mostly self contained but something about the pacing of it really works for

The only subscription I keep on any kind of regular basis is patreon subs. Podcasts make work bearable so I like to pay it back to the ones I love when I can and sometimes I’ll throw some money at artists because I like their work. But I still try to keep a hard limit on what I’m willing to spend and never leave any

I’m always happy to see another Vanillaware game. I liked a lot of stuff shown in this Direct but that stole the show for me.

The Paper Mario reveal was completely unexpected. I have a few friends who were already hyped for the Mario RPG remake (which I honestly never thought would happen) and are losing their minds

Same. I did my time in the payday 2 mines and it was fun enough while it lasted but it had a lot of problems. I think I quit right around the time they added loot boxes to the game. They also reworked the skill trees so I just decided I didn’t want to bother adjusting to the new changes. It was also taking up WAY too

because stealing is very fun

I don’t bone down with strangers. I need a bit of trust and respect first before I feel comfortable enough for any intimacy. I might not make you go through the whole mission chain, but we’re at least going on a few quests and doing some dialogue checks. I also need to know you’re not a loot goblin.

I’ll play devil’s advocate here.

I actually really liked the relationship stuff with Garrus in ME2. It started off very forced and cheesy dialogue exchages and even when he comes to Shepard’s room he’s trying so hard to seem like he’s suave and cool. There’s this sense that he’s not entirely sure why you’re into him

The cannons also work really well on spears. Don’t attack with them, instead use the throw weapon button to aim and shoot. If you put it on a Zoanite spear they last a long long time. It was my go to weapon for breaking rock walls until I beat the fire temple.

Rocket arrows are fun but I attached a rocket to a spear while doing one of those challenge shrines that take your gear away and throwing that felt pretty incredible.

Not practical, but in that situation why not use all the toys in the box right?

It was on an island in the tutorial area. There are multiple ways to get over to it but it’s entirely optional.

Wow. Maybe ordering online was the better move. They did finally give me tracking info for the game and it says it’s coming today by 10pm so there is a chance I’ll get it today.

I wanted to get the voucher deal and save some money on a digital copy but I had a physical copy of BoTW so the idea of not have a physical

Huh, I never knew people had issues with the locator sounds. I had it set to ore deposits so it went off all the time :p

That change to chest/inventory management is huge though. That, and making cooking more portable, fixes my two biggest gripes with the first game so I’m pretty happy.

But it’s looking like there might

no worries. I actually didn’t know gamepass let you get games on PC for an embarrassing amount of time :P I guess Microsoft is tied to PC too because of windows but it still seems like a weird thing to do if you’re trying to move consoles. 

Pretty much the same for me. I got a ton of mileage out of the 360 but always had a Playstation too for the weird Japanese games. Now that the majority of games on Xbox are also on PC I can’t justify spending my money on the console.

The controllers are nice though

you know gamepass is on PC too right? You could have got the videocard and and still played the same games

My backlog on PC is so long that I almost never buy new games on launch and by the time I get around to it the port works fine or someone’s found a fix most of the time.

Though I would be mad too if I bought a new game at full price and it was a dumpster fire at launch. So take this article as a reminder to never

I dunno, most of the time when I see vtubers or streamers in discord or on steam their usernames aren’t the same or they change constantly. I assumed it was to avoid friend requests and similar from interrupting their recording/streaming.

It’s not like having a name on social media and using it to post announcements or

A Breath of the Wild save doesn’t seem to carry much over to Tears of the Kingdom, but players are reporting that your staple of horses will remain intact.

Pretty much. I’d have loved gamepass as a kid, but as an adult with a huge backlog of games and never enough time to get though all of it...It’s a good deal, just not one I can take advantage of.

I played a lot of Barotrauma and Raft this year without having as much of an issue with ocean fear stuff but I suspect a lot of that is Raft being chill and Barotrauma being janky fun with friends.

As a rule I usually hate oxygen meters. I don’t think it’s a fear thing (though games love to make underwater stuff super