
This speaks to me. I have a hard time getting into a lot or multiplayer games because they feel like a big waste of my time. They can be really fun if you have a night to play together with your friends or something but I usually can’t help but shake the feeling that I’m just spinning my wheels.

I’d rather play a game

I am at least a little lucky to be working overnight. Customers are here almost up until closing but there are way less people here to potentially get me sick compared to all the customers here during the day.

But someone’s gotta stock all that paper and water people think we don’t have because other people are buying

I wish I could stay home right now. It’s not really an option for me and most of the people I know, we can’t exactly work at home. The fact that a lot of schools in this area have the kids staying home for two weeks makes things even more complicated. If one of us gets sick, we’re probably all gonna get it but hey, Ani

Now playing

I hate these dev react to speedrun videos, they make me actually have a reason to watch content uploaded from ign. :p

Seriously though, this stuff is always great. There was a really fun Psychonauts one up on the Doublefine channel from a few years ago where the runner is playing in the same room with Tim Schafer and a

I think she loses cool points for not having the eyepatch.

It’s -1°c right now and getting colder, I wouldn’t call it warm. We get snow all the time but even if it’s only calling for a few inches people lose their minds every time.

This is my store the second anyone hears the faintest rumor of snow in the weather forecast.

So do most competitive games really.

I actually grew to kind of hate the paragon/renegade interrupts since they often offered no context of how things were going to play out. They just ended up being do the right/peaceful/kind thing or do the cool/jerk/destructive thing.

I usually try to talk to everyone and go through as much dialogue as I can when

to be fair, Ashley and Kaiden both suck. If there was a way to leave them both behind to die I would have been tempted.

I thought maybe she’d grow as a character and get beyond her space racism if I kept her around but the whole soldier character thing is pretty boring (though she would probably have been mildly

I still never played the Citadel DLC....Feels kinda weird to go back after wrapping up my playthrough.

My biggest issue with morality systems in games is that it often rewards you for playing mostly one way. So if you’re inclined to just pick what you want and end up skirting neutrality you sorta get screwed over or miss out on potentially interesting events or they end up playing out sorta lackluster because the

Funny. Everyone I knew let them die because they were a bunch of pricks in the first game. I let them live out of spite so I could rub their noses in it later and I was mostly paragon for all three playthroughs despite trying to go through most of the first game as a renegade character. I guess I’m just contrary or

Oh yeah. Totally stabbed the hell out of that guy. Me and the reporter made up in the third game though despite my previous face punching tendencies.

The council choice ended up being kinda funny for me. Everyone else I knew who played the game (red or blue) didn’t save them. I did it mostly out of spite so I could

I went mostly paragon after the first game (though I did take red actions when I wanted to) but I didn’t really like the Synthesis ending. It felt kinda...I dunno. Bad? For one, I didn’t think it was a choice I should be making for all life in the universe and it also felt like it had the potential

I went renegade the first game intending to be “a bad guy” (even though they were pitching renegade as less of an evil character and more of a “gets things done at any cost” sorta thing). I did it mostly because I always end up playing the good guy in everything else when they give me the choice.

What ended up

Kinda funny. I punched her the first time just to see if it would actually let me. The second time I did it for consistency. However, the third time I did the paragon interrupt instead and after that we were cool.

Yeah. But I guess that’s part of the charm of early Simpsons. Some of them changed a bit over time but the core of each character seemed to be pretty well thought out when they first made them

Groening actually went back on that in a later interview with TMZ. He said it was an animation mistake and they didn’t have the money to fix it. Then David Silverman later said that they decided to color correct it for the rest of the series because it “would be a bad idea to have a black subservient character to a