
I mean, animation mistakes do happen, Classic example:

also having a steel weapon slow you down can lead to an enemy landing an extra hit on you


I had an Xbox and a 360 but the xbox one just didn’t grab me. Everything I want to buy these days is either multiplatform or it’s on consoles other than the Xbox One.

Game pass does sound amazing though. Knowing me I’d probably use it as an extended demo sort of thing or to play games I don’t think I’d like enough to

I love D3. I’m sad they seemed to cut support for it to funnel money into new game releases. Especially after the first expansion started to flesh out the companions and tease some new stuff.

I’m choosing to be cautiously optimistic about D4 but I’m probably not going to buy it at launch. D3 was my first experience

The rewards are secondary. The main reason I think most people play games is for the experience. Beating the game is it’s own reward. Even if the ending is kinda meh it still feels nice to be able to sit it aside after it’s done and reflect on everything for a bit before starting the next one.

Tempted to check this one out. VA-11 HALL-A holds a special place in my heart. It’s my go to Christmas game. Any time seasonal depression sets in over the holidays I play it and things feel like they’re gonna be ok.

There was this underlying level of filth to VA-11 HALL-A. It’s world was kind of shitty but despite

Yeah, sorry. I was kinda tired when I typed that (I work nights) so I think I misread some of what you were saying and my response came out a bit wrong/redundant. Don’t worry about it.

Agreed mostly, however viewers can and do often make friends within the community as well. Especially if the streamer has another outlet for people to hang out on like a discord server.

I’ve made some really great friends just hanging out on some smaller channels with the same few people every stream.

There’s a

he also has a weirdly tiny head

I’ll grant you that AL is the more fun game since Kancolle is a bit too statistics/RNG heavy and you’re at the mercy of the compass fairies more than is ideal.

Xenophobic though? Kancolle has American and European ships too so, I don’t get that statement. It is true that there is no English translation but foreign

Time for a new speedrun category. 

Oof, those humans look a bit too much like Xbox avatars for me. Some of the monsters seem kinda cute but I’m not a fan of double battles so hard pass for me on this one.

From personal experience, most of the artists I’ve met devalue their own work and are very modest about their own talents no matter how skilled they are or how many people love their work. A lot of us secretly think we’re frauds because just getting to where we’re at now requires a lot of practice and hard work and we

I can’t figure out if I like this game.

I remember watching or maybe reading some essay about violence in media, specifically about how for a long time it seemed like there was some sort of unwritten rule that women couldn’t be shot in the head in movies. Women were victims of casual violence all the time in media and would die quite often in certain genres

Good. I got plenty to play in March already. If they’re going to release it, I want it as polished and bug free as possible. I’m still kinda blown away by the idea that it’s actually coming out at all tbh.

Absolute nothing is very unstable. It’s so desperate to be something.”

Apocalypse fiction is fun but living in it alone would not be. The bandit infested wastelands in every pop culture apocalypse are fun but garbage. People would want to rebuild, to help each other, to survive. Some people are scum, but people help

you think they let people talk in a speedrun? The mashing’s too strong for any text box to survive

Plus you can just buy them on console instead if you don’t want to wait for exclusivity deals. Platinum’s always been more of a console game developer. I think their PC ports are kinda buggy too historically (at least at launch anyway). I loved Nier Automata but I heard some stories that made me glad I got it on PS4 in