
Time has definitely been good to Diablo 3. It’s in a really good spot right now.

I loved D2 back in the day but D3 is probably my favorite dungeon crawler of all time now. I can’t go back to a nontransmog Diablo after D3 and the new focus on reworking boring legendary items and making set bonuses that completely

Oh yeah. I wanted to beat it before pokemon came out next month but I’m only on my second route atm. Every Fire Emblem game turns into a major timesink for me trying to get all the supports and stuff so I don’t know why I thought this would be any different.

Sounds fun. I had no idea they were working on another game. Unfortunately, I just got my Switch and the backlog is real. Maybe I’ll grab it on steam or something next Halloween. It seems fitting for spooky season but Fire Emblem is devouring all of my free time atm.

Heh, sounds about right.

I had a black/red beck sorta built around discard with stuff like blightning and a bunch of annoying choice cards like vexing devil and painful quandary. It wasn’t as fine tuned as it could have been but my friends kinda loved/hated how evil picking their own poison was.

I tried doing something

The Loqua thing didn’t fool anybody though. What kind of pirate isn’t also a  boozer? At least they tried though instead of calling it root beer or something. 

Eh, if I had a friend who knew how to play it I would have made them explain it to me (seems the ideal way to learn stuff like this) but my strategy game friends are either into single player stuff like Xcom or RTS games these days.

We used to play Civ, Heroes 3, and Age of Wonders but tbs games tend to take a long

Yeah I’ve heard Stellaris did a better job teaching you stuff but I haven’t tried it out yet. It looks interesting though so maybe someday...

I’m sure this one will come with a tutorial that actually teaches you something. >.>

I love reading about the silliness that happens in Paradox strategy games but they’re so obtuse. I don’t really want to watch a youtube tutorial series or read a bunch of forum threads and guides just to be able to grasp how to play

I love Diablo 3 (the launch version was kinda meh but it’s come a long way since then) however I do feel like it’s been abandoned or shoved into low priority at this point. There hasn’t been a major update since the Necromancer.

The cynical part of me wants to say they pulled resources because they can’t monetize it

Eh, fair point I guess. Probably why they never did it again. Reworks are already contentious to begin with.

GP right? But didn’t they tie that in with the huge Bilgewater event where they put a skin and new music on the aram map? They even had a new game mode and a bunch of lore stuff too iirc. I could see GP mains being annoyed because they couldn’t play GP until the rework went live but that whole thing was a lot of fun I

Mill decks are some of my favorites. You want a game that hurts though? Play against land destruction based decks. If they get things locked you have no mana to play anything and just gotta sit there waiting for destruction.

But I guess that’s CCGs in a nutshell. When you’re making a strategy work it’s fun, but when

I kinda hate most of the new armor sets so far except the Banbaro and maybe the Shara Ishvalda set. I’m actually kind of jealous of some of the male armor sets though. Their helmets are pretty cool but for some reason most of the female armor doesn’t give you full helms. They like to give you dinky hats and caps

Yeah, I hate fishing in Stardew. It’s not as bad once you get rod upgrade (which requires leveling your fishing skill...) but the fishing bundles are always the last ones I complete. I keep a list of all the fish I need for that and for quests and I buy them from the wagon or Krobus. When multiplayer came out I

Heh, I actually forgot it had any. I guess that’s how boring they were. Some gesture/sticker packs iirc and some alternate handler outfits or something silly.

This basically. There’s no such thing as gamers. We’re all just people who like to play videogames. Some people have moral or ethical problems with the industry or people in it, but the vast majority are just people.

BL3 sold well because the timing was good. People were feeling the burnout after the pre-sequel and

It’s mostly just fomo I think. People want to play the newest game when it releases. Some people prefer to do it on steam because that’s where all their other stuff is or where all their friends are so when a new game comes out they don’t want to wait for it to come to steam later because it’s the new hotness right now

I like big boomy shotguns so I’d agree with the BL shotguns being a bit underwhelming but for some reason I did kinda like the Hyperion ones. No idea why, they’re basically the opposite of a regular shotgun, but unloading multiple shoutgun rounds as fast as I could pull the trigger and seeing all those numbers pop up

Take that hour” is actually the answer to anything you say you don’t have time to do. While it is nice to set aside time to just do things at your leisure, those hours or free time you manage to snatch out of busy days add up pretty quick.

Before you know it you’ll finish multiple seasons of that show you meant to

That slapped on comment really resonates with me. I use gunlance almost exclusively and so many of the bone ones are just some monster skin stretched over the shield. They got a bit better later on, but there are quite a few lazy weapon designs in most weapon sets.

Different gripe: I really need armor transmogs in this