
“Motor Mouth” John Moschitta aka “The Micromachines Man”.
I wonder if he’s still got it?

Well I’d disagree. To me, the things going on around her in her chapters made them more bearable, but not interesting. They also did nothing to fix the fact that Sansa herself is just a shallow character.

I guess I never managed to care about her or be invested in her story. Even in early Arya chapters when things

Sansa is the least interesting part of the show imo. She was the same in the books, her own personal arc is a slog to sit through and she’s always surrounded by characters that were are way more interesting than herself. You don’t care about Sansa’s story the way you might care about Arya or Tyrion’s stories every

The best thing about 12 was it’s world design. The way each area connects and flows into the next was absolutely amazing. It felt like a very fleshed out, real, living world.

I also liked how status effects were actually a big deal again and worth the time to inflict on enemies instead of just auto attacking or casting

I think it’s easier to design interesting looking characters, but harder to make their personalities stand out. I think a lot of jrpgs drop the ball in that respect by designing characters based on tropes or personality archetypes and then neglecting to flesh them out afterward. So you sometimes get stuck with jrpgs

FF7 was my first Final Fantasy game so I guess I’m one of those FF7 kids. I still love it, but now that I’ve played more of the series and gotten older I find myself going back to 9 when it comes time to pick favorites. The cast was so good and there’s so many good story moments. A lot of people like 6, but I think 9

Well that’s what happens when you combo a lack of interesting launch titles with an insanely high launch price. Anybody who was sane waited for a price cut before picking it up. Especially after the issues with the yellow light started cropping it. It was never as bad as the 360's red ring, but between the two I’m

Friends used to play that on the DC back in the day. Cypher and Dordray were my favorites.

I thought Advance Wars died off because Days of Ruin killed the series? Maybe it sold well, I don’t know, but I know my friends who liked Advance Wars were pretty indifferent about DoR.

I never played it, so maybe it’s a decent game. But it sounded like they tried a bunch of new stuff that didn’t work too well and it

Monkeys/apes are supposed to be annoying. I mean, they steal, make obnoxious noises, and they fling poop at you! They’re the worst.

I’ll probably play this, but I really can’t stand the kid. I guess I just don’t know why he needs to be there. Kudos for trying something new I guess, but it just seems like a really odd choice for a series that’s always just been about one guy murdering his way through mythology.

I had to skip Horizon because I was still playing Tales of Bersaria and had Nier on preorder. Probably gonna pick it up this fall or grab a copy of Persona 5. There were just way too many games that month. It was ridiculous.

I had to skip Horizon because I was still playing Tales of Bersaria and had Nier on preorder. Probably gonna pick it

You are correct. It was a stretch goal and it was met. If you go to the kickstarter page there’s a list of all the stretch goals that were met after it ended.

That’s pretty cool how that blood lady makes it rain everywhere, but you can hide under her umbrellas to avoid it.

But the final ending, ending E is a happy one. They kinda make you earn it, don’t they?

I dunno. Only one of them sounded like a kid to me and at least one of those va’s is going for the cool, stoic kind of voice which always makes the character sound older. Kind hard to isolate them when they all speak pretty much simultaneously.

Maybe I just watch too much anime, but the only one who sounds young to me

I dunno, looks like they updated the PSP version of Dissidia and added more characters. If you’ve seen gameplay of the older game, it looks similar (though less flashy because of constraints of the PSP). I never played the original, but I thought it was 1v1 3D arena style combat. This trailer makes it look like you

I only mind cluttered HUDS in FPS games. I can tolerate it in everything else, but you’re right. Customizable HUD options or options to disable the HUD are pretty nice to have in the options.

Though this is an arcade port, so a HUD like this might not be a big deal to most people in that kind of setting since some

I imagine it’s because most people seem to give them crap for even thinking about picking them.