I didn’t say anyone was dumb for liking something. I just said that I didn’t like it and if people didn’t agree with me then that was ok.
Is it that confusing?
I didn’t say anyone was dumb for liking something. I just said that I didn’t like it and if people didn’t agree with me then that was ok.
Is it that confusing?
I watch a lot of tv shows, I just don’t have cable so I tend to stream stuff online when I get around to it. Often I’m pretty late to the party with most things. I hardly ever watch a show while it’s airing. Usually I’m not even aware of it at the time unless a friend tells me about it or it’s related to something I’m…
I wasn’t really intending to say that, even if it came off a bit too strongly in my original post. I have been disappointed by a lot of the HBO shows that I’ve seen but I do try to give them a fair chance when I watch them. I’m not going to hate a show for being on HBO. What channel a show is on isn’t really a…
Maybe one day. I’m not a person to snob something just because it’s popular. That’s just silly. Usually things are popular for a reason. I’m willing to give something the benefit of the doubt until I see for myself and make my own opinion on it.
Since I don’t have cable I tend to not watch things when they’re new…
I have a friend that only watches the show because he just, doesn’t read books. So I’m used to it. Sometimes I think I get on his nerves, but usually it only crops up when I don’t care for a scene that he liked or similar.
I will admit to having some sadistic pleasure in knowing about the Red Wedding before it…
Didn’t see Deadwood or the Wire. They might be good, I wouldn’t know. I don’t really have any desire to watch them. If you enjoyed them, then cool. I’m not trying to say everyone should hate HBO shows, just that I’ve not really liked any of the ones I’ve seen.
I actually thought the Dorne plots were interesting in the…
Nope. I don’t usually watch crime dramas or prison shows and it’s kind of irrelevant anyway since I haven’t really had cable for years so stuff like Deadwood just passes under my radar unless a friend recommends it. My experience with most of the HBO stuff I’ve seen has all come from Netflix or similar. I don’t watch…
How dare you! Feast for Crows wasn’t boring! *outraged noises*
Seriously though, if you thought it was boring that’s fine. Personal opinion and all. It’s been a while since I read it but I don’t remember finding any of the books to be boring compared to the others (though some of those Sansa chapters were rough). Maybe…
I never saw The Wire, heard it was great, but I don’t usually watch crime drama shows. It’s not really my thing.
I loved Six Feet Under...at first. After a while I couldn’t really put up with it. I think when **SPOILER ALERT** Nate got diagnosed with AVM I pretty much tuned out of the show. It felt like adding drama…
The Jesus bit may have killed me. I might have actually died laughing.
I never watch pewdiepie, but this video was actually pretty great.
I’m definitely curious how much of an influence the show writers and Martin have had on each other’s work. After working together on the show, I can’t believe they didn’t inspire each other in some way. Maybe Martin actually changed his plans for future books because of some discussion he had with people involved in…
Well glad someone’s enjoying. I actually don’t care for the show anymore. It ruined a lot of interesting things from the books, though it seems like a lot of those decisions are probably a result of not having enough budget to hire more actors or for contractual obligations with the actors (I don’t know how else to…
I was under the impression that it was ok, but a bit slow to start, and a bit too easy.
I never heard anyone say that it was bad.
Old article is old and the comments are dead, but I thought it worth mentioning that the podcast in question (and all it’s past and future episodes) can be caught right here on their site instead: https://devgameclub.libsyn.com/
I thought it worth mentioning because the podcasts were interesting and I don’t know a…
Oh yeah? I was watching in a youtube spiral that started off with Japanese game shows. Maybe it blended in. It was an odd day. Really odd.
This reminds me of the Japanese game show I saw where they had these walls with doors on them that were made of paper or something similar.
The idea is you ran or jumped through them without checking (since they were flimsy enough to bust through) before a man in a monster suit running behind you managed to catch you,…
Wait, when was September ever considered a Summer month? I always thought of it as the start of fall. I wasn’t really reading the dates, just the titles of the games. Why are September games on a summer release list?
It doesn’t really matter, it’s just....odd.
Welp, looks like it’s a good thing I just bought the Odin’s Sphere remake. This looks like one boring summer. The only games I’m sort of interested in are on consoles I don’t have, I already own on PC (*cough* XCOM *cough*), or are sequels to a series I wanted to get into but haven’t played yet.
I am Setsuna I’m still…
I think this year’s summer sale is going to be uneventful for me. I’m not sure if I should feel disappointed or relieved about that. I’ve got a bunch of games on steam to finish that I’ve already bought and there hasn’t been anything new that I wanted. For once my wishlist is actually pretty empty.
Welp, that’s a dilemma. I suppose once I have the money for it I’ll check it out on Steam and if I like it enough I’ll just buy it again on my Vita.
Maybe a bit wasteful as far as money is concerned, but these games usually cost so little that I wouldn’t feel bad about buying another copy if I really enjoyed myself.