
Especially the doors ffs.

Job recruiter in the MCU: “Can you explain this 5-year gap in your resu- oh nevermind.” 

Pretty sure the Tusken dance they do in the end was inspired by Haka.

I just love seeing Temura Morrison making the Maori war faces during the fight scenes.

Black Krrsantan has me very excited for live action Aphra.

When Captain America beats the shit out of you so hard he almost breaks his fist on your face, you’re probably not the hero. (Unless he’s Hydra Cap.) When Daredevil and Wolverine team up over drinks to hunt you down and put you in prison, you’re probably not the hero.

Probably some variation of “beating the shit out of each other.”

When you look through the portal when Wong and Abomination exit, there’s some kind of fancy, hi-tech cell/cage at their destination. So my head cannon is that Abomination has indeed been locked up this whole time and is still locked up. Somehow, he met Wong and they formed some kind of friendship and that eventually

Yeah, I get it for that reason. I’m fine with it, whatever helps her stand out and not get lost when the F4 finally drop with Mr. Fantastic’s equally elastic powers.

I’m a 90s kid but I’m absolutely sick of the X-Men and enjoying the nice long cinematic hiatus they’re on. Going deep into the Kirby cosmic stuff is new territory I’m really excited about.

D’oh! I stand corrected about NZ.

40 year republican war on education may have something to do with it.

The cast of Doom Patrol is so good. But I still love Diane Guerrero as Jane the most. Michelle Gomez is such a great addition

Side note: it would be totally worth a million dollars or whatever RDJ wants for them to throw in a blip flashback where Carol calls Tony from a bar on the other side of the universe for support. Just a two minute scene, lot of possibilities.

And it just happened to come from a game published by Amazon.

The faster the object is moving, the stronger the deflection from the magnetic container, so you might still be vulnerable to a slow but still painful right hook crysknife.

Now playing

Several different science YouTube channels have discussed this topic over the years. Isaac Arthur has a good exploration of the feasibility of shields, but Jade over at Up and Atom has one of the more focused analyses.

This show somehow manages to be the least contrived superhero show I have ever seen because they don’t need the idiot ball or to pretend like terrible narratively convenient decisions are good decisions because canonically they are a bunch of idiots who make terrible decisions.

Fingers crossed for a Dead Boy Detectives spin-off.