
Sex chromosomes are different than mammalian ones and work in reverse in birds. Males have two Z chromosomes, while females have a Z and a W.

I thought something about the Bene Geserit, of which Jessica was one of the most powerful, also allowed them to age slower. So she’d have always looked at least a few years younger than she really was as a character.

The part was handled and acted about perfectly, really, you’re right. She is somebody acutely aware not only of her own power, but also its limitations. Unlike Paul, or most of the other people involved in the centuries-old quest for the perfect being (all the men and any non-Bene Gesserit women), she knows exactly

On top of it all, there is a special irony in the fact that a company that has made an absolute art of tax avoidance in all forms has created a game which imposes crippling taxes on any player attempting to actually gain wealth or ‘comfort’ in-game.

And I was dying to know what the fate of Unnamaed Action Hero was!

My thought exactly while reading that, thanks.

Also, their ‘heroing’ tends to be accidental and/or incidental to just sort of getting on with their lives which makes things seem a little more organic and oddly natural than what goes on in the rest of the Berlanti shows.

Maybe she had it before the whole issue with trading souls to the giant cliff on Vormir? She could, theoretically, have gotten hold of it from somebody along the way, used it to create Warlock’s cocoon similarly to how Ultron was using the Mind Stone to birth Vision.

Musk grew up a rich white kid in apartheid-era South Africa, and his family owned a literal emerald mine. If anything he grew up more privileged and protected (likely by a small army of mercenaries with light machine guns).

I like that the retro controllers are coming, I just with they went with the 2nd-gen, 6-button Genesis controller instead of the 1st-gen 3-button version.

I mean, dude paid upwards of $200M to fly himself and three hand-picked ‘friends’ to space in a private plane, away from all those stodgy NASA folks and any prying eyes.

The only downside I can see here is that the population you’re scamming absolutely self-selects for the sub-population of highly unstable, self-righteous, grudge-carrying gun-nuts out there who just might be both crazy and motivated enough to hunt you down in your home.

That (the Kang variant bit) would be taking some massive liberties with Marvel comic canon, but maybe they could make it work?

Also, fwiw, Loki is the father of those monsters AND the mother of Sleipnir, Odin’s eight-legged horse, which happened when Loki shapeshifted into a mare to distract a stone mason’s stallion and prevent him from finishing the wall around Asgard in a single season (and in so doing, taking the goddess Freya as his wife

I think what could be really interesting is if they took a slight twist on Secret Wars and tied it to the finale of Loki.

Yet, you know that within days of release, any commercially-available AR system like this will mostly just be used as an advertising platform.

And for a matter of scale, remember that Knowhere, from GotG, is the severed head of one of these same Celestials.

No, it’s just that the guy owns a house on the Vineyard and doesn’t want it to potentially lose value when the view becomes dotted with giant windmills on the horizon.

Dead-on here.

Maybe somebody with more of a native astrophisics mind can help me out here, but is it possible that the ‘early’ active status of this comet be because it is large enough to have a limited, near-surface atmosphere, at least in relative close proximity to the sun? Sort of the same way Pluto has a thin nitrogen