Almonds are too hard to eat. And loud. I'm on team walnuts
Almonds are too hard to eat. And loud. I'm on team walnuts
There are too many woods out there for me to keep them all straight!
Everwood was definitely not that
Drew: Please stop focusing on makeup and start focusing more on producing female-centric films again. Preferably good ones this time. Thanks!
Ah, must have missed that line thanks! Direct my finger wagging to TMZ then
Wasn't Michelle Rodriguez arrested for drunk driving as well? Shouldn't that be mentioned alongside Zac admitting he has a substance abuse problem? Not that either are bad people for their issues, but if you're gonna shame one, you should note that the other is also not a saint. In any case, I hope they at least had a…
I mostly just wear black underwear, it solves a lot of these problems and it matches my soul
We're onto you and your RoBERTs
I might not have known the difference, but at least I can read the umpteen comments that already said just that!
Thanks for missing the point
No I'm pretty sure it's almost always pet negligence. Turtles require more care and attention than people seem to think and they come cheap so people also don't give a shit about them. It's kind of disgusting. At least you had the sense to give yours to someplace that would actually care for it
All amphibians are reptiles. All reptiles are not amphibians
The amount of people who tell me they once had a turtle and it died is in astonishingly high numbers. When I tell you I have a pet tortoise, maybe don't talk about how terrible a pet owner you once were. Also, know the difference between a reptile and an amphibian jackasses!