
It might be a chicken/egg thing with her and the tabloids. Maybe they know she's usually a good sport about it ie just letting it happen and I think she does directly benefit from it. That's no excuse for it, but there has to be a reason why Aniston is specifically targeted and I think it's just because she deals with


I am just as annoyed at the obnoxious Aniston tabloids, but I feel like she does benefit from them. She's never to my knowledge expressed outrage or even addressed them at all, but if they really did get to her I'd assume she'd sue for libel or slander, but she lets them go. Considering she doesn't often do successful

If I remember correctly, she admitted to doing a loooooooooooooot of drugs in her youth. It shows

Wedges in general are the ugliest things! Why are they still a thing???

Surely there are other shoes that are equally as comfortable and not as ridiculously ugly??

Lately I've been noticing that everything is cork. ick

My dad drinks wine. My mom drinks beer. The world has not collapsed.

It sounds like what you are describing is a lack of empathy. I'm not saying that's bad, it comes easy for some people and is difficult for others, it makes it hard for a person to understand or grasp the idea of other people's experiences. And I'm not going to make any other assumptions other than that.

No oil or preservatives? So, basically bacteria is going to be swimming around in there so I'll take a big pass on that.

It's one of those days

Ctrl i

I will no longer watch youuuuuu... crank that Soulja Boy


He also helped write a cook book with Smash Mouth

He has managed to insult every possible ethnicity there is! Is being universally offensive some kind of meta way of somehow being not offensive?