
Thank God for Takeoff. His observations on life get me through it. And I’m glad he spoke out as harshly and as quickly as he did on this: the court cases that upheld those actions are still on the books, and it’s important to make it as clear as possible that that is not an acceptable action despite its perceived

This whole thing is very, very bad news.

And sometimes revenge should be served like a fresh chicken pot pie: right out of the oven and face meltingly hot.

I’m hoping that it’ll be significant enough that the nearly 50% of eligible Americans who chose not to vote in the election will feel horrible at what they wrought.

I needs to be something not just unethical, hypocritical or embarrassing. It needs to be a felony. That way, it doesn’t matter what his shit-heel supporters think. He needs to have broken the law in a substantial way.

Pam Bondi, who “COINCIDENTALLY” was named last week to Trump’s transition team, certainly solely on the basis of being the most qualified attorney general in these 50 United States? THAT Pam Biondi?? Huh.

I’m hoping that as their only policy plans so far have been to “Drain the swamp!” President-elect Dipshit decides “Well we’re going to keep things as Obama had them for a while until we can figure out what we’re doing...” and then every member of his cabinet and constituency dies of rage stroke.

his supporters won’t care. thats the sick thing, they will never fucking care. they kept a bitch out of office.

Too good to be true, right? It would be too good to be true...

Please, please, please, let the Trump-Pence administration’s first full scale scandal... be the contents of leaked emails.

True. Future disaster victims: If President Drumpf visits your town and you hear Tic Tacs rattling, might be time to hide the wimmen folk.

Kellyanne has his watching ALL of American History Rock this week on repeat. Expect him to sing the preamble to the constitution as his inaugural speech.

Talk in complete fucking sentences.

He’s going to look like a Macy’s Balloon by January. Bring on the Taft Bathtub.

I wonder if GW Bush would be willing to set aside his and his family’s personal(and understandable) issues with Trump for the sake of the nation and advise Trump, too, if Trump was willing to listen, and Bill Clinton asked Bush.

No joke. At this stage, if the last three ex Presidents would be willing to teach Trump and

I would sooner elect my five-year-old nephew to be President. He at least understands that sometimes you have to follow the rules, even if you don’t want to. Also, pretty sure he would issue an executive order for federally-mandated storytime, which would be awesome.

PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER....itty bitty living space

I’d live to be a fly on the wall in meetings between Chuck Schumer and the other Democrats.

That crowd wouldn’t piss on Trump if he was on fire.

That face you make when you realize you’re more qualified to be President than the man who just won the election.