

Yeah, but at 1:00 am you're willing to pay $8 for those multi colored little fuckers. That's how they get you.

Just spewed my pizza lunch across the table laughing at “human potato elf”. To me, Peeta was woefully miscast anyway.


It's going to be funny explaining that hip fracture at the ER.

I will eat Nobu every chance I get. Not even going to apologize. However, those pricey hotel sacks better be fresh or heads will roll!!!

I don’t worry. My prep is identifying nearby Mormons and mooching off of them. They have the best root beer and homemade bread! AND, they play awesome board games on family night. I can convert for food.

I completely switched from pro death penalty many years ago, but in this case I might make an exception.

Holy moly this is one of those times where life a life sentence plus, just doesn't seem enough. I realize that's all the law allows, but damn. She's evil.

Nope, she’s trying to keep her Spanx from doing an Esther Rolle.

Pope Benedict???

Fifteen years now after the incident, and the memory is crystal clear. Ah, good times. Good times.

Our dogs ate a bunch of them once and it looked like a rainbow horror show. All bone bits and multicolor fur smeared in the carpet - little kids screaming. And the reality of how gross those lucky little rabbit feet were. Primitive times.

You can buy a fun bag of them in multi-colors. The smell is gawd awful when you open the bag. Years ago they were school carnival prizes. ***gag***

I'm glad to know its not just me. It would be great to be able to drop unwanted followers.

Inflammatory rhetoric motivates simpletons to vote for crazy same. I think we’re doomed.

That’s hella’ lot more than soft focus filters......

You must be a good hostess

I can do magical skin resurfacing in Photoshop. I find it creepy as hell. Just like real life plastic face - clients can’t get enough! They always want more. They all wanna look like Kim K.

SHIT you win. This country is going down the fucking drainpipe.