
Britneys career was 'barely relevant'? I just can't understand this statement.

He turned out to be a douche. I'm so confused.

I have a little sister who is 6 and my dad says he's seen every episode twice (in an unrelated convo), I wouldn't be surprised if it has its own Nickelodeon/Noggin channel.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!

Yea, but that look is completely done.

She looks so good with dark hair. I hope she keeps it up! I'm rooting for her.

He does voice acting on The Simpsons and Spongebob. I think syndication alone of those two shows pays well enough to buy a 24 million dollar home. And yes, we're in the wrong business.

LOL. No. I can't remember the last time, either. It had to be a long time ago. Is that weird too?

I didn't find this creepy. Is something wrong with me?

I hate that black womens hair color choices are policed like this. No one judges other women for dying their hair.

I think this is true as well. I've heard a theory that it's because slaves were literally bred to make strong babies who would later be strong slaves, and those people are who most blacks in America are the direct descendants of. It could be true. There is an inordinate amount of athleticism in my family, and when I

Most people will not negate the gender they are assigned, but the word is more accurate, since there is literally a person who decides which box of the binary to check for you. A person born with blended/ambiguous genitalia will be 'assigned' a gender, even though it is clear that neither is 100% accurate, or a trans

You didn't make me angry, you made me sad.

Africa is a continent. As such, it is comprised of 54 countries. Many of which are thriving port cities or are economic centers. Did you forget that Egypt is in Africa? That is an obvious flourishing ancient civilization, there are are many other sub-Saharan empires as well, that there are oral and archeological

Oh, but it does!

The before isn't altered.

They knew..

Have you ever really discussed it with a black person? I'm sure they would disagree with you. Just because you aren't racist or committing racist acts doesn't mean they aren't occurring.

Looks like the guy from MadTV, maybe.