
Also, hooking, or forcing your gf to hook. That's a big one.

Tell me about it!

The creme always rises to the top.

She's white in Colombia. She would get white privilege there. Evidenced by her global fame.

She may be Jewish but her skin is the same color as 'white' peoples skin.

I'd smash.

My point does make sense. I am not a fan nor a follower of AS career, so pardon any smudging of the facts, and thanks for them. According to wikipedia the videos you referenced were made before youtube, but became popular because of youtube. I'm not discounting these tings, I just don't know about them. Which seems

That may be the case for him, but it may also be the same for some of these women who are 'big on vine'. I don't follow any of them personally, but it's not hard to find a place to do stand-up, and I would imagine if they are calling themselves comediennes that they have at least attempted stand-up before. They may

Is this over yet? Are you done?

Go home bearlove, you're drunk.

Obviously it was a typo, and it's been edited, you can get over it now.

BRAIN FART. He is not related to him, he is him, and I called him the wrong name.

One day on Jezebel little white comments and little grey comments will be able to comment together as brothers and sisters.

And I wonder what kind of Aint Jemima / angry gov't office / sassy best friend sketches they'll come up with week after week for this performer.

Andy Sandberg came from youtube.

"I hate to critique Gaga" - No one ever.

That's what I came to say! When you have short hair you're ALL FACE. It's highlighting the wrongness of that brow shape and ..width. If she did her eyebrows a different way she would look like a completely different person with this hairstyle. Maybe it's better that they stay. /monologue

This comment let's me know that you probably do racist shit all.the.time.

My guess, most weren't. I've heard of midwives who birthed stillborns and were blamed, and women who knew how to suppress pregnancies herbally, knowledge we could use today, but the menz killed them. Seems like a real witch would've been able to get out of it or create a diversion, or something. I just don't see

Tituba could've been and most likely was at least part African since she practiced Voodoo. Or is there something I'm overlooking?