
This is hilarious. The whole thing looks like an old-timey Disneyland walk-through ride, but with naughty bits.

Haha, wow. Take it down a notch there, skippy. Artistic and empathetic people can relate to characters and individuals, real or not. It's almost requisite for being a writer.

He does, but he doesn't have to depending on what you choose.

Sorta off-topic, but I really feel like I'm one of the only people who didn't get the bandaged hand.

Jason, get on this!

There's very little meat in this gym mats!

Where exactly did 1313 look anything like CoD?

Wait...I'm confused. Literally the only thing that makes this "Star Wars" is that they're wearing Jedi robes. Otherwise they're just flipping around some rocks.

I know there's lots of hate for Conviction, but I loved that game. I liked that Sam went more Jack Bauer-y.


Came expecting to see Katarn with a saber, leaving a sad man.

People don't really seem to know what they want anymore, besides an excuse to trash Microsoft. First, the Kinect is totally useless, why is it coming with the system, why does it exist, GTFO! Now it doesn't work on PCs, and it's OMGWTF why not?! Microsoft is just dumb and stupid! Why won't that thing I don't want or

I laughed when someone from Japan said foreigner's anything is strange.

So, a few things. First, I can't believe some people are actually still accusing each and every servicemember of war crimes. Really? Grow up.

This looks amazing, but it has to be insanely tedious to make, right?

The Far East, the land that copyright forgot.

This is EXACTLY what I just told my dad. My mom was obsessed with it for four or five days and my dad just laughed at her, and I walked in the room the other day and he's there playing his own. Creepy stuff.

Looks pretty darn close, but the music basically seals it.

This is amazing. Wookiee bounty hunters/mercenaries always sounded so sweet in the books, it's nice to see a one cosplayed out.

This whole thing was seriously ridiculous beyond reason. Yes, yes, I know, I'm a "privileged white male" commenting on this, but I've read and heard enough comments from the people who "should" have been offended to know it was a non-issue.