
You know what - this is BS - I bought the expanded pack to play with a friend and have not been able to log in all day - to make matters worse - If I dispute this POS charge with my CC Playstation will disable my account. I don’t have months for you to ramp up to make capacity for your game - it’s not that important

I enjoyed your post! I just wanted to say:

Also, I don’t know if you can call Joel lying to Ellie at the end ‘gaslighting’. It was just lying.”

Thank you!!! I hate that “gaslighting” has been turned into this pop-psychology buzzword that people now misuse. He didn’t gaslight her. Gaslighting is when someone experiences something, and then someone else

This is a much better review than the AVC review. Kudos. 

Spot on. A few things.

Your points are so well made!

Great bullet points! These types of things need to be included in re-caps, I need more insights.

“It’s called holding people accountable,” another tweeter said. “Something this community needs more of actually.”

That “Spiderman will remain a Sonly exclusive” has that “and Dr. Beckett never made it home” energy from the final episode of Quantum Leap.

Yes, please keep foaming at the mouth and moving the goalposts. You said his movies “are not big hits,” but they really are. You’re looking bonafide success right in the face, and, because it’s not to your taste, claiming that it isn’t success. Seriously, bro, chill. I did not make the claim that financial success =

Ah, your small band of grumps doesn’t like this movies, so he isn’t pretty universally liked. Right. Okay. And what on earth are you talking about when you say his movies aren’t big hits? They’ve all been VERY successful (except Brothers Bloom, which was bad). What on earth weird definition are you going by when you

I’m not interested in telling people what they should or shouldn’t like, but stop pretending to be shocked by very obvious things. His movies are clever genre pieces that try new things while largely abiding to the formula, and are incredibly well-directed. Seriously—we like genre because it is something we already

You people say that as if it’s true and not your (in my opinion) bad take.

Damn, I sincerely hope you're right about ATJ Quicksilver. I thought out of every killed off character, the MCU did him the most dirty. I really enjoyed his and Wanda's interactions and he represents the cocky Eastern European character I know from the comics much better than the FoX-Men version.

i regret i have but one star to give! my thoughts as well on all counts, although to me it looked like osyraa’s ship exploding from Disco engaging the spore drive while inside it.

I’m not trans and so I know my opinion here carries less weight.

From the outside looking in, the anger over “deadnaming” partially undermines fundamental acceptance of the trans community.

I’m old enough to remember intense nature vs. nurture debates around homosexuality and a time when saying anything BUT

Michael Burnham continues her streak being the worst officer in Starfleet history

the quorum has actually decided to give her the SB19 data after all.

One detail I liked was the new name of Vulcan, it makes sense they might change the name of the homeworld to reconcile the two peoples.

“Despite the occasional tilting of this portrait, Spider-Man’s story and world were not a representation of the kind of New York that exists outside the TV screen.”