
It's a cool idea, but the poor guy looks like a leper.

Brian, maybe you could help enlighten me (us): what's it like over there for this kind of stuff? Do people talk about being offended (or glad) that effeminate or trans-friendly characters are in the games? Do they not discuss it at all? I'm curious as to what their reaction is to these types of things.

Not discounting or downplaying this serious crime about the wacko, but I laughed a little when I basically read, "Get the voice actor to safety!" like she was a head of state.

If Kotaku doesn't give you a year's salary to ride around in one of these when it's built and photo/video-document the entire thing, then what the HELL is this website for?

Sweet Jeebus Ashcraft, I was not prepared.

These are horrifying. Who finishes making these, steps back, and thinks, "Yeah. That's about right."

Wow, Zod looks freaking beastly. Now if they only throw in a skin for him from the movie so he doesn't look like a cheesy 1950s sci-fi villain.

First, this was a recent piece? The quality looks like shows I used to record on VHS.

Good save. Multi-function is a very polite way of putting that. I need more details on this...stylus.

Seeing eyes in the drain would be horrifying. Like one of the creepier X-Files or Supernatural. What is it with the random creepers we hear about from Japan? I'm not ignorant to the crazies in America and the rest of the world at all, but th. weird fetishes, underwear machines, and drain peepers always end up in Japan.

Yeah in a horrifying sort of "Why can't I stop looking?!" way. Personally I'll take the attractive Brazilian dude though.

"Hang on a minute that's a dinosaur...this game's got dinosaurs and robots...that turn into TANKS! It's got dinosaurs and robots that...what's this game guys!?"

This one was hilarious. Much funnier than the other two, and they were great. I'm a recovering Wii U owner, spending my days shooting it glares over my shoulder while I try to patiently hold on to it for anything to come out.

I am shocked at how normally this was portrayed. The lady on the right doing the reporting was spot-on for people not in the know, and even though the two anchors were clueless, I think she got the point across. Any time games are mentioned like this and it doesn't devolve into a murder simulator discussion

So uh, wtf is that "stylus"? I don't for one second believe that's an actual stylus. Sneaky Shane!

This is amazing. I love hearing about awesome parents.

To be fair, I could imagine way, way, WAY worse looking dudes in Misty cosplay. I'll take this one and be happy for it.

Really poor follow up the previous episode, and kind of let-down of a finale. Cliffhangers were invented to keep you wanting more, and to keep your interest peaked for that next year. Right now, I can barely tell you what's happened in what season, because this show just moves at the slowest pace I've ever seen.

I loved MoS but everywhere I go I see the hardcore Superman fans flipping tables and losing their shite over it. I thought him killing Zod was done very well, total lack of options and it killed him to do it. I think the only part that bugged me is that he didn't try hard to move the battles away. Probably hard to do

All praise be to the PS4, renounce the Xbox One or ye shall perish on teh interweb boards.