
You just posted a quote that says he doesn't believe in slavery. Which is what I said.

The state's rights to own other people, I'm familiar. And yes, it was not ALL about slavery, but that's what escalated it, and what the symbolism behind it became.


Naval warfare is pretty sweet-looking, and I'm in love with space battles of the same type (slow and deliberate, Star Wars/Trek style). They need more games that focus on it.

I assume by reach of the Federal government you're referring to us not being able to own other people?

Unless Lincoln is sleeping in a glass box in the middle of the Copro Gallery, this is not art.

I'm an LoL casual (only play with my brother), and I'd play this in a heartbeat. Copyright aside, I think a lot of companies severely underestimate what fans of theirs would buy.

I agree with some others, while it's nice you guys have such a commitment to bring us...animated butts and dildos, I don't think these screenshots are worth hurting whatever good will you could have gained by just removing them. They don't particularly show anything new or exciting, especially in the realm of South

I bet if you looked reeeal hard (a.k.a. at all) you'd find "Hate + WTF" responses from actual gay people that had nothing to do with homophobia.

Seems right considering the never-ending quest of the Japanese to make us feel inferior in gaming. They got Mario 2, we got reskinned (though still cool) "Mario 2". I believe they underestimate us!

Lady to the left is having none of it. Love her expression the whole clip, and the final face.

I didn't say it was, I said it looked. I also said I hadn't played it.

I guess it makes sense, if you take away all morality from the situation. It's just lame they can get away with it because there's 4 kazillion people in their army.


Oh I know. I think my all time favorite copy was of the Wii though.

China can't even use YouTube? Sigh.

I hope this game ends up being cool. It looks fun to play, but the screenshots of the store all looked kind of Pay2Win.

Wait...Titan is Saturn's moon! Why does Jupiter get the cover picture? :(

Like I said, nothing against people who like these things, or even the things themselves. Just saying the tone should maybe be a bit more...even.