
I could rattle off the AAA games that have female leads that I've loved, but I know it's irrelevant. Point is, equality is equality. You don't get "payback" when you get equality for all the years you were not equal, otherwise it would be a never-ending game of catch up.

I'm commenting on a Call of Duty post, that's how you're supposed to magically know what game I'm talking about.

Gotta agree with the other people, posting this without some overtones of how it's objectifying Chrom and therefore sexist seems a bit hypocritical. I personally couldn't care less about the objectification of men, but isn't it the same thing? Objectification is objectification, especially since feminists (and I

No, I'm not an apologist. I like CoD, but I'm not obsessed with it. I honestly couldn't care less about the engine as long as the game is fun. My original point, which none of your responses had anything to do with, was the amount of negative CoD articles since the release. You then proceeded to make comments about

I think it's unfortunate that I still immediately think of Tony EVERY time I hear Stark. :-/

Yes, you were in line with your OWN comment, not on mine, which wasn't about the content of this particular article, but about the deluge of negative CoD articles since it was revealed.

After the first video, I read all I could find about her, and I just really don't like her now. She's extremely manipulative and completely unwilling to debate her points. I feel bad for the people that donated to the massive fund she got, considering there's only been 2 videos so far, neither of which has any

The intro is one of the best parts of Game of Thrones, and each week the theme gets re-stuck in my head.

Mario 3 is not only the greatest design, but also the greatest game. Something about the racoon tail and ears just rips me right back to my childhood.

Those are not random Xbox One articles, they are all Call of Duty articles after Ghosts debuted. Very different things.

Brian this is why you have been and will always be my favorite.

It'd be great to get some updates on this Brian, if they ever release any. I'm curious now if the Stormtrooper had really poor timing, or if he was trying to be funny.

Oh I'm not debating the relevance of CoD, just the relevance of the fish AI in the grand scheme of things.

Uh, no? They reported on this very thing like 12 times already. I was commenting on the bombardment of it. What exactly is sunshine and rainbows currently? I'm apparently out of this loop.

Oh man, I'd buy it in a second!

They'd be ruined. :(

I'm not jumping in here to defend CoD necesarrily, just how many articles there have been about the 3 minutes of CoD we saw. I don't particularly remember any fish AI, but people have pointed it out, so that's cool. Maybe it's more advanced than that? Maybe it's not? Maybe they didn't do their research. But whatever,

How exactly did you get that out of what I said?

It's a fish. They're proud of their fish. If they want to be proud of their moving fish, let them. I guarantee you they are not going to sell this game with adverts about their fish on the back of it.