I didn't say that at all. They are obviously free to write about whatever they like. But, whenever they DON'T like something, there's a quota of like 5 articles a day about it.
I didn't say that at all. They are obviously free to write about whatever they like. But, whenever they DON'T like something, there's a quota of like 5 articles a day about it.
This is...this is definitely an article. I think it'd be more efficient to have a running banner at the top of the main page that just told us which games we're supposed to be hating at any given time.
I would spear a small rabbit for a decent Iron Man game like this, but between how annoying the install was, and how difficult the flying controls are, this was really more trouble than it was worth sadly.
Seems like he responded with class to some really unfunny and ooooold jokes. I can finally forgive you Jonny Moseley, for that Blockbuster rental that has seared my brain for years.
"Reverse-Flash", lol. That is some quality villain-naming.
I haven't seen anyone bring this up personally yet, but does anyone else remember the everliving sh**storm the 360 got when it's name was revealed? I worked at EB Games at the time and it was nonstop moaning and whining about how absolutely stupid it was. I didn't care a whole lot, but I wasn't thrilled about it.…
It is definitely not ideal or simple to find the new Android games, but as another user pointed out, AP and several other sites have no issues pointing out the new games, and even the sales. It might take a bit of extra work, but it's your job! I'll gladly help you out if you'd like. Android gaming is woefully…
Backwards compatibility has never effected me before. I get there's some favorites you may want to keep around for a while, but if they're that important to you, just keep your 360! I think the only thing I used BC-wise when the 360 came out was Battlefront 2, and that was just because some friends hadn't gotten a 360…
How about...Xbox? Once it actually releases, there will be few questions as to what you're referring to. Until then, online I would type X1 (or just Xbox One, since my fingers don't really get too tired typing 7 letters), and in person I'd say the new Xbox.
This happens me to constantly when watching regular things. If someone in a movie or show I'm watching says "box" it pauses and awaits further instructions. Sometimes it rewinds. I get a kick out of it.
That is sweet. Reminds me of Mouse Trap. Kind of like an Escher painting, but with moving parts instead of perspective.
I would love to play something like this, but I haven't had a joystick in years. Possibly since X-Wing Alliance came out? Hopefully it'll control decently with an Xbox controller.
The spinning-out noise from the first Mario Kart is like a shot of nostalgia directly into my jugular. My dad's favorite was Donkey Kong and he spun out CONSTANTLY, and I got a huge kick out of it.
The red/gold ratio was totally reversed on the Mark 42. I really enjoyed the other armors' color styles more, which makes me sad.
The next level...OF ENTERTAINMENT.
Wasn't directed at you, more at the devs. ;) There's a plethora of iOS-only games that I want to play fiercely, but I'm not spending 8.2 bazillion dollars on an iPad.
Gettin' reeeeeal tired of all these iOS-only games. I know, I know, fragmentation and crap, but still. Pick a baseline, stick with it, and go.
This makes me so sad. My friends and I had our occasional issues with SMW, but we just butted our heads against the levels until we figured it out. That game was not THAT difficult to figure out. Tricky, yes. Difficult, no.