
What is it about China, culturally, that makes this kind of thing so much more likely to happen there? You don't hear of it in the States very often. And, speaking personally, while I can be pretty obsessive about any game I'm playing, I don't know if I could do a 40-hour session even if I really, REALLY wanted to.

I can't WAIT for this finally hit XBLA. It looks awesome, and co-op is totally my bag. I was hoping it would be out before the end of April so I could get my last two Xbox Rewards punches on it, but I doubt tomorrow is the day. :-/ Such a bummer!

Minus the Pong, the video reminded me of how popular media tries to represent code with cool visuals. Works on me every time.

If there was ever a time to resurrect the starfighter genre, it was during BSG's run. A well-done game where you could be in a viper or raptor could be amazing. I guess the variety is a little lacking, but they could do some really great things.

I would love to collect a lot of these high-end things, but they're all priced very...high-endy. I guess that's a no-duh, but it'd be cool to see something this detailed in a more...affordable price range.

I would love to own the "Falling" one, if it wasn't sold out and I had that kind of money to use. Isn't that one not a screenshot though? And who the hell would buy one of the creepy-ass motorized patriots for 300 bucks and hang it on the wall?

I'm a huge Portal fan, and I love game-themed stuff like this (especially DIY), but that price is a but much for some coasters. I really wish I could do them myself, but with my general klutziness and Hulk-sized hands, I have issues with projects that require coordination.

Having a grandfather who served in WW2 and left with the Purple Heart, don't mistake me for a peacenik or an apologist or anything, but...when does it become not the current generation's fault for the mistakes of the past? There can't be many people left alive who currently have a place in the government there and

You sound like my friend, every time we play a new fighting game he chooses random characters until he finds one with a cheese move he can spam, and then sticks with it. It's almost more fun to try to find a way through his spamming than fighting a regular opponent.

It kinda started out sounding like Soul Calibur ran over your cat or something.

Awesome. I'll check it out. Thanks.

Yeah, I've looked at the combos. I can memorize the buttons, my problem is timing. The screen was telling me: X, Y, A. But I was interpreting the commas as a pause between button presses instead of those buttons in succession. I'm just a derp is all.

I haven't tried online yet, but I'm scared to. I'd get rolled pretty hard I think.

Wow, dat Tuvok model.

I personally couldn't care less about this existing, but shouldn't there be an incoming outrage article about all this objectification?

I hope it doesn't turn into the new "thing", for devs and publishers to just bail on E3. It's so much easier when all the news comes from one place at one time.

I've never been a fan of fighting games, unless they have something in them I'm familiar with. I picked up SC:IV because of the Star Wars skins, and loved it. Learned to play, wasn't half bad, and I hear Soul Calibur is one of the harder ones to be decent at.

If they made an Iron Man game on consoles in the same vein as Spiderman 2 on the last gen consoles, I'd pee myself. I want an open-world game with an Iron Man suit SO bad. I tried to mod GTA:IV with the Iron Man suit, but the controls were so unbelievably awkward I was constantly flying myself in the ground or into

I think text message comedy was forever ruined for me by all those stupidly fake auto-correct ones. I "get" them, they're not very humorous to me. :-/

I was excited at the price point until I realized that it meant this thing is probably the size of a poker chip.