
I love my 3DS XL. I'm just terrified of them announcing the next iteration soon, because I just bought it, and that's been my luck.

I was sad, because I loved AC:II and it's spin-offs. I didn't even feel compelled to finish AC:III until the DLC came out, and only then because I bought the season pass at launch. I played the first two releases, but don't feel too compelled to rush into the third. I really hope Black Flag picks it back up.

Link me to your stuff! I'll monitor your challenge progress. ;)

I know and have heard of a ton of people who just hate Mel Gibson and everything he's ever done since his drunken rant. When you know who creates something, it really makes it hard to view it unbiasedly.

The art and the creator are usually pretty inextricably linked.

More on-topic, I do agree it'd be great to have more personable, human people in the gaming industry, and there are already a few, but if there's going to be someone we see without the filter of PR or a major corporation, I just want them to be not a massive ass-hat. Like you say, I bet most of the complainers never

Oh I didn't get it on Steam, I have it from an XBLA sale from a few months ago. I think all devs, but Indie devs especially, should be pretty gracious in all things PR.

Edit: F-ing Kinja.

He seems like a tool, but I bought Fez before I knew this. What people say or do DOES negatively affect my opinion towards their works, whether it's art, books, movies, games, or shows (and it's happened in all of them). But, we have to be real...if it IS #1 on Steam, then people aren't getting exposure to him like

I don't want to get into arguments, but I've seen many people post my thoughts already. I really do like Jason, but I couldn't disagree with him more here. Double standards abound with this whole argument, and while I personally cannot wait until the day where this is a non-issue, and even the most sensitive of

That's pretty cool of them to do.

Agreed. It's created/creating social problems that will probably get worse before they get better, especially with how technology is advancing.

China gets a different Iron Man 3?

TV's aren't going anywhere, mainly because we still need screens. My consoles need screens, my desktop needs screens, and my movies need screens. Even though I can watch or play any of those things on my phone or tablet, I don't want to, because 1) console > tablet, and 2) screen size.

There is no gratuitous nudity or excessive gore — these are things HBO puts in the show to keep it interesting for folks that don't get it.

In N Out (like someone posted) does a similar thing here, only you can go up to 20. It's ludicrous, but I've seen a group do it and just take it apart, which seems to defeat the purpose.

Wouldn't...that be good...?

I feel like the input would be laggy, depending on how they did it. Also, if I was driving by I would have swerved into the divider. That is some distracting shiz.

This is weird as hell, and not having played fully through SA or IV, I have no idea what's going on. Kind of odd for a viral project.

This is why I'm glad there's YouTube rippers out there. Some of this stuff is as good/better than the original (not this one, but still amazing).