
I've always been slightly miffed at their superior attitude to games, but Mario 2 (Lost Levels) really is a damn hard game. I assume the other stuff they design for "Japan only" is equally as unforgiving.

I wouldn't want to be within 20 miles of a child under the age of 10 that's inside a mech suit. Are these people insane?

I was without cell service for the first time in memory last night, and the only thing that bothered me was not being able to be contacted if I was needed (I have ill grandparents).

Austin Wintory is pretty awesome, and that cheeky soundtrack sounds fun. Aside from that, is that Billy West doing this video? If so, how/why?

Totally thought the second guy was a girl for WAY too long. Also this just seemed like a strip club performance instead of a runway show. WOOOO AYOOO!!

Poor guy. Makes me sad to see anyone at odds with their parents. Also makes me that much more grateful how awesome mine are, and that I get to game with my dad.

Rapture is basically like Jurassic Park now, just underwater. If the dinosaurs had guns. And drills.

The second to last one is amazing. Concept art is so cool. I wish more games looked like their concepts.

NEW new Kinja is throwing me for a loop. I really hope Star Trek is good. Really REALLY hope. Half because I'm a massive fan, and a good game would be sweet, and half because it's on its way to my house. :(

I was looking forward to this one WAY more than Enemy Unknown, but I ended up loving EU when it came out and almost forgot about this one. It's sad, because everything I saw/ready looked very cool.

I would like you to do this article in vlog form please. Please.

There's so much about Japan I wish we could have over here.

Squirtle looks the most dapper I think. But if I ever saw a tadpole or a vegetable with facial hair I'd probably set it on fire.

Of course he didn't think he was correct, but what's wrong with that? That's called a differing opinion, and people have those all the time. Maybe if more people chose to extend patience towards those they disagree with, the Internet (and some of the world) wouldn't be such a hovel of barbarians (not you, the net in

This looks pretty cool. Anything co-op is worth taking a look at nowadays (almost). I feel like it looks different from when I last saw it though...or am I thinking of another game? It didn't have a top down perspective, it was from the side. But it also had to do with heists? I think?

To be clear, I AM against animal cruelty, but the idea of a superhero killing dozens (hundreds?) and tearing a ship apart because they killed 3 whales made me chuckle.

Hahaha, that's exactly what I thought too. I was hoping his guards wouldn't come clean.

These are all awesome, but Fate of Atlantis and Monkey Island hold a very special place in my heart. I don't think I've ever had as much fun in my life as playing those games with my group of 3 or 4 close friends and trying to figure it all out together. We were only 7 or 8 too. Amazing games.

Mario can't let him have his own console without at least a parting shot.

I really wish the US got even a tiny fraction of the special edition consoles Japan gets. I think they really underestimate how well they'd sell here.